Towers and Money

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I'm Alexander Decelma. Most important person in the Kinko, as well as, the Telra and Protz. Which is saying something believe me.

Practically ruling the 412 Billion stars and 138 inhabited planets is great and all. I mean, I'm disconnected from the rest of the worlds, and nearly get killed every
other day. But, I have servants for that.

Almost every planet is under the PEACE (Preserve, educate, agree, cultivate, eltablish) contract, so conquering any other known inhabited solar systems is out of the question. Which is a set back for me, to say the least.

So, for context so you don't get swept away by traditions.

Hospitality, big thing. You could murder someone's wife but they have to continue to be hospitable. But, once you step out of that house, you're on your own.

Most of us are Galmen'pas. Elf like creatures if you must know. We are very animal like, such as having mates. (FoReShAdOwInG)

Human sent some people out a few centuries, they didn't come back.



But, yeah. Now, we have a nice population of humans. They didn't like us for the first few generations, but by the fifth they were cool.

That's about it... There are a few more species that might be mentioned, but they might not. So, I'm not wasting my time with them.

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