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The another day and another attempt.
Shagun Raghav kept her phone with disappointment after dropping her body over the couch. Her face filled with sadness as she started to go through the pictures her daughter had uploaded on her instagram story. Her most of the pictures were from last evening where she happily posed with her boyfriend and his newborn sister. A sigh escaped from her lips realising she never saw such gleam on her daughter face. Next Shagun looked at her husband Abhimanyu who was going through newspaper while sipping his morning coffee. Realsing she is not going to get any attention from her husband she picked her mobile phone and opened her instagram with the hope to see her daughter post. As she expected her daughter had posted numerous pictures with her boyfriend and the little baby.

Ishita and Raman Bhalla's baby. A cute little baby girl who is stealing limelight nowadays.

As she started to check her more pictures the smile from her lips replaced with a frown. The smiling faces of Aaliya and Ishita Bhalla along a caption of world's coolest mom didn't went well with Shagun Raghav and she threw her phone.

"What is this Shagun?" Abhimanyu who was deeply engrossed in newspaper back then became startled hearing the loud noise of thud.

"You remembered that you have a wife as well?" Shagun replied with arrogance throwing the cushion at floor which ended up landing near her mobile phone.

"Very much. It's not something I can forget." Abhimanyu shrugged his shoulder and kept the empty mug of coffee on kitchen counter.

"But you're not ready to acknowledge your wife either." Shagun replied with irritation.

"Can you tell me the reason which made you mad all of sudden?"

"Our daughter Mani, our only daughter. My Aaliya is not ready to acknowledge me. She is not ready to pick my call either and she is calling that Eeshita as best mother. I'm her mother not that behen ji." And the tears threatened to fall from corner of her eyes which she didn't stopped this time and Shagun Raghav covered her face with her palms unable to react anymore.

"Have water." Abhimanyu side hugged his wife and made her sip water to make her feel better.

"Mani how can you be so causal?" Shagun looked at her husband with worried expressions.

"I'm not. What do you think that it's easy for me to stay away from our daughter?" Abhimanyu started the conversation seeing his wife hiccups lessening down.

"How can Aaliya do this with me Mani? She even talks with you but me? She don't even picks my call." Shagun continued to sniff in her husband arms.

"Shagun main kuch tabhi kahunga jab tum meri baat sunogi. I don't think if you're ready to listen me."

"I'm Mani."

"Shagun if you loves her dearly then why can't you accept her happiness?"

"I'm ready to accept everything Mani but this is embarrassment. Ishita Raman had a baby in such age, have you thought the consequences of it? They are already nearing to 50, will they able to take care of this baby? If Aaliya get married with Adi then even she had to handle this baby. Don't you think it will put a burden on her? There are so many outcomes of it Mani which you might be not able to see but I'm."

Santaan Bhava: A Miracle That Arrived Late (Complete)✔Where stories live. Discover now