Chapter 4

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I raised my hand to block out the sunlight that was currently blinding me as I exited the tent, I looked to the side to see someone had decided to set theirs somewhat near mine. I looked at the black horse that was standing in front of it and I shrugged as I had Mian Feng wrap around
me once more and I let Si out to range since I know we won't wander far.

All the horses and animals had been trained by the best trainers that we could find, letting them out on their own
has 0 liability.

I kept walking until I made it to the middle of the camp ground to see a long wooden pole sticking out of the ground, how anybody had put that there was a complete mystery to me. I looked around to see everyone gathered around, mingling with others here and there, I was completely alone. Figuratively and literally, I had no one to talk to and I was the only girl in this
entire camp.

I zoned out as everyone arrived and fooled around.“Soldiers! You will assemble swiftly and silently every morning. Anyone who acts otherwise will answer to me.” The captain yelled as we all lined up side by side neatly, staring ahead.

I was about the same height as everyone but I wasn’t as strong looking, Ping was short and scrawny looking, kind of like the rut of the pack.

“Ooh~, tough guy.” Someone said sarcastically, I had no idea who it was until the captain said calmly with mock happiness,“Yao, thank you for volunteering.” I stepped back as did
everyone else as I saw this Yao person was a short but sturdy looking fellow who had a black eye.

“Get the arrow.”

I looked up to see the captain had shot an arrow all the way to the top of the pole, I gulped a bit looking at it before hardening my features to hide away my feminine features, one slip up and I was a goner.

“Oh,I’ll get that arrow, pretty boy.” Yao said as he pushed up his sleeves and got in
a position that showed he was about to climb up.

The captain then had him stop and put twoweights on him, each weight for each arm, one representing discipline and the other representing strength. Great, now our job was to climb up a wooden pole with weights strapped to our arms.

Yao had barely gotten up before falling back down, then the captain who I found out was named Li Shang from gossip made everyone line up because we all had to do it. I stood near beginning of the line so that if I messed up really badly than everyone will forget about it when watching
everyone else go after me.

My body was stiff as I reached out my arm and Li Shang put the weights around my arms, they were heavy but not as heavy as I thought it was going to be. I stared at the straps in my hands trying to think of something but nothing came up.

“Ok, well I guess we are going to go about this normally.” I gripped the pole but I couldn’t have a steady hand on anything, I was too unsure about the situation to confidently rely my weight onto my arms and hand.

“Come on, maybe if I put my foot here, yep, nope bad idea. Well that looks like a good hand hold but where will I put my other hand.” I muttered to myself, I hadn’t even gotten off the ground but I was so unsure on how to start.

“We don’t have all day soldier! Do you give up?” Li Shang yelled right from behind me, I gritted my teeth and started trusting my gut, I slowly started to climb up the pole. I wasn’t weak, I know that for sure, father had trained me when he was alive but when he passed I slacked on effort. I made it about a third way up the pole before realization hit me.

I’m not trying to draw attention to myself, I’m just here to fight and protect my brother. That’s all, don't draw attention to yourself.

I looked up and back down and bit my lip and reluctantly slid down before jumping off, I didn’t dare look at the captain as I handed the weights back to him and walked off to the side. I didn’t want him to see the disappointment and frustration on my face, I really wanted to climb all the
way up but it’s for the best that I don't.

Everyone else hadn’t gone nearly as high as I did, but with that, that training course was finished. Li Shang looked at all of us and shook his head and said,“We’ve got a long way to go…”

Chapter 4 is done
Hope y'all enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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