Chapter 1

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It's late August and as any other kid would know, that could only mean one thing. Summer is over and school is back in session.

So with that, here I'm sat in an unnecessarily large U-haul passenger seat listening to music while my best friend, Zayn drives along the unruly highway.

"How much further?" I flutter my feet on the dashboard.

Zayn sighs and takes one hand off the steering wheel to push my feet off. He's always trying to look out for my best interest, it's draining.

"Don't do that, it's dangerous," he keeps his eyes on the road. "We only left an hour ago, we still have about three hours, I suggest you busy yourself because if I have to listen to your baby remarks for the next few hours, you'll be walking the rest of the way."

I stick my tongue out at him and roll up the window before pulling out my phone as a source of distraction. I click through some snapchat stories and notice many kids have already arrived and unpacked, ready to start the year. I couldn't disagree more. What's so fun about getting up before the fucking break of dawn and listening to a lecture for two hours just before you have to go to another one and then spend your whole night studying? Absolutely nothing, that's what. I swear these kids have a mixed wire in their brain.

It's not that I hate school... well, I do, but Zayn says hates a strong word and that education is good for me so instead I'll tell you what I do enjoy about school.

I enjoy that I somehow managed to do well enough for myself through grade school that I got in on scholarship. Had I slacked off, there is no question that I'd be either working with Zayn's dad in a car garage or becoming a stripper and trust me the latter was very intriguing. I'm in my third year which means I'm halfway through. This would be exciting enough if the first two years didn't feel like I was repeatedly bashing my head through a wall while being constricted of air with a grocery bag. But needless to say, I'm halfway through and I even earned enough money at my new job at hollies over the past year that I can afford to stay in one of the houses that the UNI offers students. It is definitely a step of from the shoebox of a room students dare to call dorms and to top it off I was lucky enough to pick my roommate.

I chose Zayn.

I didn't really have a choice though. It's requirements of being best friends with the sleaze since before the dark ages.

AKA puberty.

I don't really know a time where he hasn't be involved with everything I've done. And I don't remember when we met. I do know that ever since I was a tadpole making my way into the big world or in other words, preschool we've been attached to one another's hip. Yes, we fight and all that other typical teenage mess. It would be a crime if we didn't but in the end, he apologizes, because I severely refuse and we make up by ordering Chinese and playing a few too many matches of Fifa.

I sigh as I kiss away my last day of summer and glowing golden tan from the brutally hot and sunny past few months. I lean my head on the window and drift off to sleep as my ears listen to the muffled sounds escaping my headphones while my pointless, dramatic thoughts overtake my mind.

"Louis, get up. We're here," A soothing voice speaks as I stir in the uncomfortable passenger seat.

I hum and reach my arms above my head and crack my neck. I blink a few times exasperatedly as my pupils adjust to the harsh sunlight gleaming through the windshield. "This is pure hell," I whine. I sound groggy and it is obvious I enjoyed a five-hour nap by my messy fringe and sniffly nose.

Don't ask.

Every morning I wake up with a stuffy nose without fail. Normally a shot of Flonase would do the trick but, not so normally it's shoved into one of the many boxes in the back of the van. I quickly rub the sleep out of my eye and shake my hair around to make myself look more alive before putting an overly exaggerative smile on my face and hop out of the van.

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