Probation (1)

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Nara Shikamaru was the only heir to the Nara Clan. The clan was known for the geniuses it produced. Despite that, however, there was more than meets the eyes.

Nara Shikaku believed it was time for his son to begin his probation. The young sixteen-year-old had no idea what was coming for him. Shikaku had avoided all mention of the many secrets of his clan.

Not even the Hokage knew what the clan hid. They were exceptional liars.

Shikamaru sat quietly in the living room with a book in hand. He groaned and dragged a hand down his face. "What a drag," he said. He bit his lip. Ino was busy at her parents' shop and Chouji was learning a new recipe from his mother.

He didn't feel like being around the other loud people his age. Maybe Shino would be okay to hang out with, but he was too weird for Shikamaru.

The young Nara stood and stretched. A nap outside at his favorite spot sounded nice. His father came into the room with a solemn face. "What's wrong, Dad?" he asked. Usually, his father's face would be cleared of all emotion except for exhaustion.

Shikaku stayed silent as he handed his son a scroll. Shikamaru cautiously took it. He glanced up at the man he'd admired for a long time. He opened the scroll.

Future Nara Clan Head,

If you are reading this, then the current clan head has deemed you worthy of knowing the clan secret that is very shameful.

The clan heir has, hopefully, raised you to be kind, strategic, caring, and cautious. All of these traits are very critical to what you are soon to learn.

The Nara Compound has a secret building located in the Konoha Forest. It can only be seen by a clan head or heir. There, you shall find another message from me.

Nara Y.

Shikamaru looked up but found that his father was gone. 'Nara Y.? Who could that be? By the way he was speaking, it seemed as though he wasn't even a clan head. What does this possibly mean in the first place?'

He looked outside and groaned. The sky was slowly turning dark. He walked into the kitchen. He grabbed an apple and took a bite. He leaned against the counter. He thought about what this could possibly mean.

The scroll was very old. The way the paper was turning yellow was a dead giveaway.

Shikamaru had no idea what was going on. He would have thought he would've heard at least something about this. His father placed a hand on his shoulder. "Shikamaru," Shikaku said quietly.

Shikamaru looked at his father's face. A pained expression showed through. "What's going on, Dad?" he asked.

Shikaku sighed. "There's a secret only the clan leader, me, and the heir, you, of the Nara Clan knows of. The Nara Clan secret is something that even the Hokage is not aware of," he said. "This is something you're going to have to figure out on your own. There are people, however, that you will need to talk to that will help."

Shikamaru frowned. "I'm going to bed," he said after minutes of silence. He walked to his room with his hands in his pockets. He collapsed on his bed with a huff.

"What is my clan hiding?"

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