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Shikamaru, Neji, and Shino all sat in a circle in front of the house that only Shikamaru could see. It was at least midnight, but the boys had jobs to do. Shikamaru pulled out his journal and showed the others. "This is what I know so far," he said.

Neji narrowed his eyes. "That's all I know as well," he said. He placed his hands on his knees. "So, we know what happened, but why is the Aburame Clan involved? Why were our clans at each other throats, because this feud seems as if it has been going on for a while. And why does each generation of clan heads have to know?" he asked.

"Our particular clans believe in reincarnation. My clan believes that soon we will become an insect, the Nara Clan believes they will become deers, and the Hyuga Clan believes that they will just be reincarnated into powerful shinobis," Shino said.

The Nara looked at the two in thought. "Maybe, just maybe, each generation is learning this because those three believed that the feud would go on and that an Aburame assassin, Nara Clan Head's wife, and a Hyuga Clan Head would be reincarnated once again?" he asked himself aloud.

"It could be," Neji said. "I have to go home, now. My uncle will be wondering where I am," he said.

Shino nodded his head in agreement. "Same with me."

The boys stood up. They went their separate ways.

Shikamaru walked through his house quietly. His parents were sleeping, so he had to be quiet as to not wake them up.

As he walked past their door, he heard something. It was his mother's voice. "It's our boy, isn't it?" she asked.

"Yes," Shikaku said quietly. "The scroll made it very much clear. Even though it didn't say a name, it's obviously talking about our son."

Shikamaru shook his head and walked away. He went into his room and fell on his bed with a low groan. His eyes closed and immediately he fell asleep.

Shikamaru looked around and noticed Neji and Shino. The boys acknowledged each other before looking at the screen.

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