Ch 2: Hell here we come

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You walked towards your car as fast as possible still thinking about that guy you ran into. Still wondering why he cared.

You were also making sure that the ones who hurt you weren't following you.

Your heart was pounding so hard against your chest.

You finally reached your car, you opened the car door shutting it and put the key in the ignition and drove off.


When you finally reach you house you were so relieved it felt like 100 pound weights coming off your shoulders.

This makes you think about what it's going to be like when you go back to school.

You go to your room and put on some pajamas, put your hair up in a messy bun, remove your makeup, and sit on your couch and watch television.

You did this the whole summer and when you actually want to do something productive, something or someone wants to reunion it.


As the days go by it's all the same routine.

Get up, get dressed, watch movies, eat, shower, then sleep.

It's like an endless cycle.

Theirs nobody to really hang out with.

Theirs not much to do.

You just sitting on the couch as if your letting your body decompose.

You also keep thinking about the event that happened at the mall with you and that Felix guy.

Why did he care?

Why would he care?

Why should he care?

He doesn't even know you.

Those questions cycled around your head.

You even wonder if he did something to solve the situation.


The days flew by quicker then you hoped.

Today your going back to the place you hate more then anything.

You are now a junior in high school.

You were given an opportunity to take some college classes.

You just don't want to be part in all the drama and abuse.

As your getting ready you just put you hair in a messy bun, a t-shirt, shorts, and some sneakers.

You left the house with your anxiety already starting up your day, and you haven't even stepped on school grounds yet.


When you pull into the student parking lot and lock your car doors.

You wish you could just throw a finger in the air and leave this town for good.

But you walk in and you already have people staring at you.

Talking about you.

And mimicking you.

But you do what you always do.

You brush it off and go on with your day.

You reach your locker and start to collect your things to go to class.

Then out of no where someone slams your hand with your locker.

Your tried your hardest to not scream, or curse.

And when you seen who's on the other side, you wanted to grab her by the throat and strangle her.

It was Brea.

The one who try's to torture you and make you life miserable.

"Oops" She said with an evil grin.

All you did was walk away, trying not to tear up from how bad the pain was,

This is gonna be a long and once again miserable year.

Sorry for the small chapter and sorry for taking so long I've been busy lately and I will post another chapter soon as possible.💙💜

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