II - The Vows

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"Master Van Dort, from the beginning. Again.", Pastor Galswells ordered, surely growing more impatient by the minute as far as everyone in the room could see.

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty for I will be your wine. With this candle I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine. Let's try it again.", He restated the vows to me me, bible in one hand and staff in the other.

"Yes, yes sir. With this candle...", I started, holding up the thin white candle up before pointing it to the identical candle on the table in front of us that was dimly lit.

"...this candle,", I repeated after seeing the candle had not been lit as well, "This candle...", I then gulped nervously, turning to my parents and behind me for reassurance.

My mother was dramatically fanning herself, eyes closed with her hand to her forehead looking distressed. I turn to Victoria's parents to see that they seem very unamused by my in-accordance.

I turned back to Pastor Galswells, and he cleared his throat as to nonverbally say to go on.

I look back to the candle seeing that it is lit and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"With this candle, heh...", I begin to say standing back in place beside Victoria. The light chuckle I let out blows the candle out, and I can hear both of our parents groaning behind me.

"Continue!", Pastor Galswells orders, twitching his eye at the sound of the doorbell.

"Get the door, Emil.", Victoria's father demands to their butler, and he scurried out the room.

"Let's just pick it up at the candle bit.", Galswells says, looking me directly in the eyes.

"A Lord Barkis sir.", Emil says when he comes back into the room, handing Victoria's father a white card with his name I presume. Then as Emil scurries his way back to the hallway, the middle-aged man walked into the room towards Victoria's father.

"I haven't a head for dates. Apparently I'm two days early for the ceremony." Barkis explains, looking at his nails as he said so.

"Is he from your side of the family?", Victoria's father mutters to his wife sitting next to him.

"I can't recall... Emil, a seat for Lord Barkis.", she states, snapping her fingers to bring Emil back over. He immediately comes, pulling up a chair for him and Lord Barkis swiftly sits down as Emil scoots it behind him.

"Do carry on.", Lord Barkis says to me, motioning his hand toward me as he crosses his legs.

"Let's try it again shall we Master Van Dort?", Pastor Galswells asks me.

"Yes, yes sir. Certainly.", I say, easing my left hand and as I do Victoria lights the candle in my hand with the candle in hers.

"Right...", he says.

I nod my head before almost dropping the candle as I was hit with realization.
"Oh, right!", figuring he was referring to me raising up the wrong hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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