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It was midnight.

Lightening streaked across the sky as thunder bellowed deep into the earth's abyss.

There I was ... alone and soaked to the bone, and ... Afraid.

After that, I ran. Far away. He was chasing me. Never letting up. Lightening hit closer to me this time and I quickly changed my course.

"You can't run forever." His deep hypnotic voice flowed to my ears and sent shivers down my spine. That same voice haunted me day and night, in past and present lives. He was always there watching me, waiting for me to slip up and make a mistake that could kill me before he could do himself this honor.

The Gods seem to tell me to turn and fight but I just couldn't find all my years of training and remembering how he killed me in my past lives. Couldn't he see I wasn't like them? Couldn't he see that I didn't truly want to fight him but if he wanted me too I guess I would have to. Though I didn't want to I knew it was kill or be killed at times.

So right then and there I decided to fight. I knew I wouldn't win but I had to try. Or else all my training was going to go straight down the drain. I pushed my fear away as it tried it sink its claws the rest of the way into my lungs and my heart.

"I know I can't. I see that now and that is why I must fight whether or not I lose." My voice held the courage my body didn't have. I stopped running and turned facing towards the one person who could and would bring me certain death. My heart felt like it was about to leap out of my chest as it beat a mile a minute. My fear finally letting go of my lungs and heart as I looked upon the man that was after me.

This man: this beast was as tall as a shadow could be long. He had on a dark midnight black cloak that is like it's a part of the back ground. I didn't need him to remove it to know he was strikingly handsome. This type of beauty would kill you without blinking and not have an ounce of blood on his expensive attire to prove the wrongs he has done. There was probably wrongs that my village didn't know about and probably would never find out either.

"Why did you run?" He asked his voice sending shivers once again down my spine.

"Why?" I asked my voice picking up pitch as I went on with my sentence. "You're kidding my right? You have got to be kidding me." I say and see him flinch slightly. I couldn't see his eyes as they were covered by the hood of his cloak. Maybe the flinch was imagined there's no way a man like him would have flinched at such a comment.

"You know you could never beat me. You will just follow the others."

"You mean our past fights? Me having to repeat this until I beat you. I am tired of all this, I will end this." My voice strong even though inside was a chaos of fear and despair. I didn't feel the strength or the courage inside that was in my voice.

"Very well." He raised his hand and a black orb filled it, tossing it to the ground. Out came monsters. The kind of Monsters that are only in folk tales and legends. Things that weren't meant to be real. They were meant to scare little kids into doing what their parents told them to do. The ones that were said to be under your bed and in your closet. His voice was dark like before and though it was slight, I thought I heard it waver, like he was unsure or hesitating. "End her." That was the last thing I heard besides my own scream as the darkness descended down upon me in the form of shapeless monsters.

The last thing I saw was a bolt of lightning crash across the sky, lighting up the beasts, no, mans face. He had dropped his hood, his face was wet, whether it was from the rain or from tears, I would never know. My hand rose reaching for him on its own. The feeling of being pulled down by the darkness became stronger, along with another feeling. Longing. I pushed through and I struggled harder. The darkness, the monster fought back.

I saw his mouth moved forming the word "Stop" and reach for me... but by then.....I was falling.

That was my only thought as I was dropping into the dark abyss. I felt hands reaching for me, searching for something to grab a hold of on my body. They grabbed my clothes, pulling me farther down, deeper into the dark place called Hell. I had asked for this, but I didn't realize that this is what I would get when I asked the devil or Hades for help. I thought I could beat this Darkness.

Then I realized.
That I couldn't.
No one could beat Hades.

Guys P.O.V

"Stop!" I cried and reached towards the girls' hand. "No!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her from the demons that were beginning to run away and disappear in fear of my anger and short temper. "What have I done?" I whisper to myself afraid of what I would get as an answer.

The girl was quiet in my arms, but very much alive, I could feel and hear her heart beating. Though it was slow, it was not dangerously slow, more like she was sleeping. She was suppose to my enemy, yet I couldn't really find it in me to hurt her. In her past lives she was ruthless, attacking me before I ever had a chance. Her family or her village was tightly knitted and lived and breathed upon the legends. They thought of me as a beast, when all I am is a man who was wronged long ago. Tricked by that darkness. Darkness that will hold you close as it slow covers your eyes with its lies, its voice whispering in a seductive tone that it will promise you things that never have and never will exist. By the time you realize all of these lies it will be too late and you will notice the blackness in your soul and heart.

This girls' village thought of me as a demon, when in reality I am a savior. I have watched over and saved them many times. All they have done to repay me is try to kill me every waking second. I will try to help them one last time.

I will show them that this time they are wrong about me. I turn and walk off heading towards her home land. If they wouldn't accept me for bring her back then I will take her. I will care for her and show them that I am not all bad. Show them that light can rid darkness even the heaviest of the darkness can be pushed away.

Girls P.O.V

I slowly came to with the feeling of being carried in a strong pair of arms. Though that couldn't be right, I was attacked by those demons, was I not in heaven yet? Nothing was fitting together, nothing was making sense.

The person walked with a steady semi-fast pace. I could feel a well built chest against my arm that was between me and...Him? My eyes shoot open and I look up to see the beast that could have killed me. My first reaction is to scream and try to push him away which seems impossible.

"Don't fight me. I won't hurt you, trust me." He tells me softly. Tightening his hold on me so I don't wiggle out of his arms.

"Where are we going? Why are you holding me?" I try not to panic. I try to stay calm but my nerves were shot and my panic was seeping out of me. Picking up on this he smiles.

"We are going back to your town. I am holding you because it was the easiest way to get you to town while you were asleep" he says looking down at me, it's then that I notice that his eyes are a pure blue. No darkness, no all black eyes like the legends. Though last night they were as dark as the sky above us, the colors swirling and changing.

Maybe the legends were wrong. Maybe he isn't what they say. "Why are you taking me home?" I ask interested in what he had to say.

"To prove everyone wrong." Is all he said.

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