👻scary movie 👻

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Where alessio and y/n watch a scary movie


Alessio and y/n sat down in the livingroom trying to pick a movie to watch "hey how about this movie" alessio said "nah saw it already" y/n said as she stuffed her mouth with popcorn "ok well what about this one?" He suggested "Saw it"

"Oh this is the one!" He said pointing the remote to the t.v  "what is it?" Y/n questioned "it's about a mom and daughter that live in a haunted house" alessio said  "no I hate scary movies" y/n said "oh come on y/n!" He whined "it's not even that scary!"

"I already told you no"y/n said crossing her arms "ok look .... everytime you get scared I'll give you 20 bucks" he said trying to reason with her "you cant pay me to watch a scary movie" she said "please!" He  whined once again "ok fine but only if I get kisses everytime I get scared" she smirked

"Deal" alessio said kissing her forehead

Sorry this one sucks and it's short I had a lot of ideas for this one but I'm really lazy lol but I promise the next one will be better

Should I do

Wisdom teeth getting pulled
Your sick and he takes care of you

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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