Chapter 5 :My Baby

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Chapter 5

Three pov

After Yuri calmed down a bit. Wolfram told him about a legend involving double blacks. It is one of the most obscure of all the legends. In history, there has been one double black who was able to procreate with his male spouse.

This particular legend was never proven so no one was sure if it was true or not. Most took this Legend as just a story.

But now there is proof that the legend was true a great deal of effort is going into studying all that is known about the Legend So that every precaution can be met to make sure that Wolfram and the baby make it through the pregnancy safely

After telling Yuri everything he was told by Gunter Yuri smiled. Yuri wrapped his arms around Wolfram's waist. Then he put his head on his stomach rubbing it. With a loving smile, talking to the baby. With loving words

Wolfram put his hand on your head with a look of delight on his face thinking no matter what you are our baby and we can't wait to meet you

Wolframs'' pov:15 weeks into pregnancy

The days passed by quickly. Yuri seems excited about the baby. He's been non-stop talking about it. Getting the nursery ready for when it comes. Pick out every little detail so that the nursery is perfect.

I'm excited but I'm also scared. Will we even make it through the final stages of pregnancy? I've been helping Gunter with the research on the legends. We've found almost
nothing because there's so little written about it.

Gunter's not sure if everything he's read is true. So that makes him nervous about the outcome. For a month he has been in his office. Going over all the books that have any double black legends in them hoping to find something more. I hope that he finds something soon

Hello readers I know this isn't a very long chapter but I am having a hard time writing this I think I've lost interest but I'm going to finish it I'm working on a couple of chapters right now I'm just going to finish this one here thank you for taking your time reading this and I hope that it's interesting and I will finish it

Sincerely a l y s s e 4 1-3

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