Mother Satellite

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Little lune, crying to each phase
The way your life runs by the drain
The way you want to make it

Spring in the moon, wash away the rain
I can see you're so cruel
By the way, you really want to be like this

I'm in bloom, by the symphony of the flames
candle lit honeymoon
The way I want a make-believe of it

Come home again, and let me dry you in the flames
Melting ancient ices around a heart that's been claimed
Come home again, and let me see your bluest blaze
Melting ancient ices around his blood pumping cage

Little lune, glimmered by the broken window of my bedroom
The way your dreams escaped from your fingertips
The way you are consumed by all of them

Spring in the moon, Mother satellite's doomed
can't seem to find a place to be
or even a place to dissolve into loneliness

I'm in bloom, can you see me swallowed by rules?
They say the ones who tend to break it
are the ones that pretend to be followers.

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