and i oop

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Drawings that I've done and wanna share (all probably not related to one another but oh well)

(I'm really proud of this one) a gala design for my candy character because the original creator of the whole thing was holding this lil event sort of thing so I had to design a fancy outfit for them

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(I'm really proud of this one) a gala design for my candy character because the original creator of the whole thing was holding this lil event sort of thing so I had to design a fancy outfit for them

(I'm really proud of this one) a gala design for my candy character because the original creator of the whole thing was holding this lil event sort of thing so I had to design a fancy outfit for them

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And a soon to be colored ref for an npc in the campaign I am writing >;;]

I'm realizing that these both look very similar but ya know what IDC I had fun drawing both I just got lazy with the positions

I'm realizing that these both look very similar but ya know what IDC I had fun drawing both I just got lazy with the positions

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Aaaand a w.i.p for another redraw I'm doing (this one with Julian)

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