The Airport and His House

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(A/N: Die from cuteness with me. See picture above for instant death.)

Larri was a nervous fidgety mess on the plane, he tried listening to music, reading, talking to fans, even texting Issa, he was still a wreck when he stepped off the plane.

Issa was hard to miss, at least for Larri, the bright smile as soon as they made eye contact, the hoodie Issa had stolen from him, he was hard to miss for sure. Neither of them really moved towards each other at first before just saying fuck it and hugging each other as soon as possible.

Sure people stared, but neither of them cared, they were best friends who need each other right now. Larri was hurting and Issa would do anything he could to fix it.

Larri grabbed his bag and Issa's hand, what, it was normal for them, and followed Issa to his car.

The ride back to Issa's was normal, quiet except for the two of them singing along to the music playing.

"I missed you." Larri said quietly.

"I missed you more, you were gone for like four months and I started to get lonely." Issa said, one hand on Larri's while he drove. To anyone else this would seem like they were together, to them this was Issa trying to cheer Larri up.

"That's gay." Larri mumbled under his breath, smiling at their inside jokes.

"You're gay, though." Issa continued it.

"So are you." Larri looked out the window. So much had changed, but everything felt the same, same Issa, same place, same comforting car ride.

"Oh, shit." Issa smiled, doing something he never did, ever. He rubbed his thumb across the back of Larri's hand to make it seem less suspicious when he laced their fingers together. Larri didn't say anything, he was probably spaced out, staring out the window, thinking about god knows what.


"Hey, Issa?" Larri asked once they got in Issa's house.

"Yeah, Larri?" Issa asked back, getting the movie ready while Larri put his stuff in his room, yeah, the guest room was now basically Larri's room since no one else used it.

"Never mind. What movie is it?" Larri grabbed the popcorn out of the microwave and put it in a bowl. Issa hated the bag, Larri saw no point in needing a bag and a bowl, so it was just the bowl, no bag.

"Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark." Issa said, yes, Larri hated scary movies, but Issa was pretty sure he only said that so Larri could have an excuse to hold onto him. He never flinched when Issa wasn't sitting next to him.

"Issaaa." Larri complained, but not really, he would have actually said something if he wasn't up to watching it.

"Come on, Larri. You never flinch when I'm not there." Issa said. Larri avoided that.

"So why are we watching this if you know I always get scared?" Larri asked.

"Because it's new and there's nothing else to watch. If you have any other suggestions let me know." Issa said, not sitting down on the couch yet in case Larri actually did have any suggestions.

"Fine. Come sit down." Larri said, moving over so there was enough room for Issa to sit down.


At a particularly scary part of the movie Issa jumped a little too, but Larri basically jumped out of his skin, so Issa pulled him over, wrapping his arm around Larri to show him that he was still there. Larri just seemed to melt into his side, letting himself relax. Neither of them were looking at the movie, but the movie wasn't really what was important.

Them against the world, forever.

(A/N: Even shorter, but there's going to be a part 2, don't worry. It should be up sometime today, if not early tomorrow, so, enjoy.)

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