the first day

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I couldn't sleep tonight, And I think they also couldn't, I've been waiting impatiently for the message.

When six o 'clock in the morning. The message arrived immediately.

"Welcome to day one. Your message is... "..." street behind block 12, I hope you die today." The last sentence is funny to me. I waited until 7, And when it came to 6:45, I got dressed and went downstairs waiting for them in the car.

When they arrived, I asked them with smile "What are your message?" I found out they all got the same beginning and end of my message. Hoseok (talking hurts) , namjoon (Sometimes looking down is good), taehyung (silver walls), yoongi (corners of hell)

I was happy when I felt the game was real and terrifying,That's my favorite kind

We got in the car, And I quickly drove to the address in my message. I wish I didn't get there, When I arrived, I found... I found... I don't know what kind of man they are. Humans or ghosts. I don't know. They were wearing perfect black clothes and there was no hole to look at. But they were looking at us...

They were sitting right and left, We were all quiet except for heosok, he was so scared

I moved slowly with the car to the back of the building, We found the same species,, And a rocky chair in front of a wall

Behind him is a hollow wall. But it's too small for a body to stand inside, There were two of these creatures standing in the corner next to that wall holding fire "I'll go ask one of them what to do" yoongi said and he's going to ask someone but hoseok stopped him and said "No, no, talk hurts." We got it, yoongi shut up and stood up for it again. "I think it's my message... It's under that wall." namjoon said it pointed to the hollow wall.

And I warned them about the creatures. Because of yoongi's message.

I found taehyung running to the wall pretty quick and pull something hardly from it, and the creatures are running towards him.

at the same moment when he walked away from there, The creatures collided and faded. And all the other faded too

Taehyung gave me the symbol It was a beautiful silver, We got in the car again and hoseok blamed us for entering him in the game. And he was so annoying

We agreed to meet this time at 12. So we can get some sleep.

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