Chapter 14:

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Today we all decided to go shopping at the local shopping center. The rest of Luke's band are arriving tomorrow at around noon. I'm excited to see them actually the one on the phone sounded quite hot.

I was looking forward to today as I havent really spent a proper day out with the boys. Its so wierd how much your life can change in just one week. One week ago I was depressed because I had to see these boys in conceret and I was dreading it, but now I love them and I am sleeping around there house.

Im having one of those days where I really miss my sister and I keep on thinking of all the memories that we shared together. Its so sad to think that she didnt really even live her life to the fullest. She didnt even know who her parents were and thats what haunts me the most.

"Tamara?" All the boys were looking at me.

"Sorry im still half asleep" I didnt know what else to say I wasnt going to tell them what my brain was thinking because if I did then everyone would think that im mad.

"You ready to go?" Connor asked.

"Yeah lets go" I replied with a smile.

All the boys cheered and it made me smile at how happy they get over the littlest of thing.

We all pilled into a Deans car as that is a 'people carrier' and it fits us all in.

The plan was to all go into town without getting noticed and we would all try to stay together. If we split up then someone will get hurt and noticed as much as they boys love meeting the fans they do deserve a little privacy once in a while.

Firstly the boys wanted to go around some of the 'perfume' shops to get their manly musk and I said that I would nip into Victoria secret as the boys wouldnt want to go in there and none of the fans know who I am so I wont get mobbed.

I walked in and instanlty my eyes cought gaze on a beautiful bright pink bra with a white bow in the middle and it was made of lace. It looked amazing and it had matching underwear to go with it. I went into the fitting rooms and tried it on, it fitted perfect and it made my boobs look somewhat bigger I only had small busts.

I walked out of the changing rooms and up to the till but instatly my mouth became dry as I approched it, it was one of them girls from the concert.

I walked up to her and she shot me a smile.

"Hey wait your the girl from the concert?" She asked with a huge grin.

"Yes I am why?" I asked rudely.

"I was wondering would you like to go for a coffee or something later on?" She sent me a smile and showed of her bright white teeth.

"Erm I cant later im with my friends there in a different shop but erm I can tomoroow? I thought you erm hated me?" I asked confused.

"People change, its not so much me that hated you it was my friend she is a bitch im just friends with her because she is loaded." She laughed.

"Here put your number in my phone" she said and we both traded phones and punched our numbers in.

"Nice underwear by the way you will look hot in that" She laughed.

"Thank you" I laughed and walked out.

Wow that was wierd.

I met up with the boys in Nandos and they all orderd huge meals I just orded chips and I didnt even want them I know have to burn of all of these calories.

I must admit though I was hungry but I need to stop thinking like this. I dont want to like food.

"So did you buy anything nice?" Brad asked.

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