Chapter Two

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You wake up at 10:45 am, with excitement coursing through your bones. Today's the day you ask her out. Roxy Lalonde. A true beauty, with her beautiful platinum blonde hair, her pools of pink eyes, her gorgeous lips, always covered in a layer of black lipstick. If your best friend is right, she'll say yes and it'll be perfect. Like her.

Speaking of which. 

Your name is Roxy Lalonde. You just woke up at 1:37 pm, which is one of the earlier times you've woken up recently. You get up, or try to before you get sucker punched by the nastiest headache. Great. Hangover. You swear on your life, you will find the cure to this recurring disease, an alternate cure, because the real one is too much to bear.

But it's fine. Your sister's tea normally helps with the migraine. What doesn't help is having to yell to get her attention, which'll make the headache much much worse. You need to emotionally prepare, because after this yell you're gonna wish heads didn't exist so yours didn't hurt so much.


You're ready.


As the shooting pain seeps through your body, you wonder if it'll kill you. A part of you hopes it does, to put you out of this misery. This feeling, it's like cold and heat at the same time. Your muscles, they ache, and your eyes, they burn. You worry that if you open them, you'll see the Reaper, his scythe at his side, ready to end it all with a single slash at the throat.

Or maybe you're just being a little bitch because you drank too much.

Rose opens the door and peaks her head in. Seems like she has the tea prepared, you can smell its sweet aroma. She helps sit you up and give you the cup

"I hope you know your screams in the morning are the reason i can never have friends sleep over, right?"

"Then why don't you just sleep over with them?"

"Because the last time you tried making this tea, you somehow thought one of the ingredients was mustard."

"Fair point. Fuck, this hurts like hell."

"David wanted me to tell you something when you woke up"

"David? Oh you mean Mini-Dirk. What'd he want you to tell me?"

"He told me to pass on the word that you have a secret admirer/ possible future lover."

"Oooooh, secret. Does he know who it is?"

"It wouldn't be that much of a secret if he did."

"I guess. Thanks for the tea, by the way. Always helps me feel better"

"Anytime. Im going out with Kanaya later today, just to let you know"

"Hope you have fun with your giiiiirlfrieeeend."


Now that you're feeling better, you can finally start making plans for the day.

But we aren't gonna see that. It isn't important, not really. What is important, is what John and Dave are doing.

So back to John, at 11:00 am, same day.

You just slapped on some of your nicest clothes(they're actually some nerdy shit you just think they're nice) and you're ready to go hang out with Dave. He left you a message on Pesterchum this morning to meet him at the mall for "exhibition training". You have absolutely no idea what it could be but it sounds fun. Your dad's calling you to get in the car, so you do as he says and pull out your phone to text Dave.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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