Chapter 7

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Nash's POV

I had to lie to her to get her to let me stay. I actually came here to make Violet mine and as soon as I saw that Michael kid I knew he was going to make this more difficult for me. She had obviously taken a liking to him. As soon as she saw him she turned away from me to look at him. He was attractive tho. I am bi by the way so I would maybe go for a guy like him but holy Jesus Violet is f-i-n-e FINE. No one is allowed to have her but me. No one else is good enough for her. I am the definition of perfection and so is she so we belong together. We need to be together. She is mine. We were meant to be. We will live for each other and love each other until we both die and even then we will still love each other.

Violet's POV

I got out of Nash's grasp and ran after Michael.

"Michael!" I called after him. He kept walking, speeding up his pace. I started sprinting and when he got into his apartment and was going to shut the door I shoved my way into the door.

"What the hell Michael? I was yelling for you." I gently wrapped my hand around his forearm and turned him towards me. He looked hurt and betrayed.

"Why did you walk away? I wanted to hang out with you. When you went to turn away I was going to tell Nash I had plans with you. Did you think I was going to ditch you for him? I may know him a lot more than I know you but you are special to me." The corners of his mouth began to turn upwards.


"Really." He pulled me into an embrace. I hugged him tightly, burying my face into the crook of his neck breathing in his scent. He smelled like pizza. Haha who would have guessed? I heard a chorus of 'aws' cone from the doorway. Luke, Calum, and Ashton looked like they had just seen The Fault In Our Stars while Nash looked pissed. He was clenching his fists so tightly his knuckles were turning white.

Next thing I knew Michael was on the floor with Nash on top of him punching him in the face.

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