(A) (S)ingle (D)esire

403 14 16

"Hey Gaara," Temari walked up to the counter her little brother was reading his book, he didn't look up but she knew he was listening. "Kankuro and I are gonna go to the beach for the bonfire Shikamaru invited all of us to, you said you didn't wanna go last week. So I'm asking if you changed your mind about it." He lifted his head but still didn't look at her and took a few moments to answer, "Is Naruto going to be there?"

Temari had a smile on her face, she knew Gaara had taken an infatuation to the blond ever since they met back in his first year in middle school. Naruto had just transferred and some of the boys tried to make a deal with him: they wouldn't bully him-- because of his whisker looking birthmarks-- if he helped keep look out as they dump the autistic kid into the trash (again) just before the garbage truck came to take it to a landfill. Naruto had been disgusted by them but decided to "help" them with their sadistic plans. However, much to their and Gaara's surprise, those boys ended up bruised and bloody with old lunches and rats to keep them company in the metal prison for trash. Temari laughed to herself as she remembered Gaara coming home that day with an actual smile on his face as he told her and Kankuro about the 'pretty blond boy' who helped calm him during a sensory meltdown.

Gaara paid no mind to her laugh as he continued to wait for a response. "Yup, Naruto will be there. In fact, Shikamaru's been telling me that he won't stop asking if you said you'd go yet, calling him 'troublesome'." Gaara glanced at her but didn't know what to do about the smirk that played on her lips.

Kankuro then came downstairs in beach shorts and a t-shirt, holding three towels as he entered the kitchen. "You guys ready to go?" Gaara looked up at him then closed his book, "Okay, let me change my clothes first." The two older siblings watched as he left for the stairs, "You think he'll be fine? It'll be pretty noisy there." Kankuro asked worriedly, Temari just smiled however, as she adjusted her cover-up skirt she was wearing over her bikini.

When Gaara returned back downstairs, in similar clothes as his brother, they all put their sandals on and gathered in the car. As Temari and Kankuro argued over who controlled the radio, Gaara was rubbing his arm as he looked out of the window. It was partially opened and he was enjoying the breeze hitting his hair. The car suddenly drove pass a landfill as they got on the freeway and a very unpleasant smell invaded the car.

"Ugh! Kankuro, that's gross!" Temari scolded as she pinched her nose close and continued driving one handed.

"What!? I didn't do it! You probably did!"

As the two argued, Gaara smiled softly as he remembered the day it smelled like old bananas and rotten eggs.

"Look at him, he's crying again!" One of the bullies laughed as he continued to tightly grip onto Gaara's arm. "Wuah! Are you crying for your mommy?" Taunted a different bully who was digging his nails into his other arm.

"Te-Te...!" Gaara tried to yell out as the four bullies, not including Naruto-- who was traveling about six feet behind them, trying to control his anger--were carrying him to the main garbage can the school used. Arms and legs captured and Gaara couldn't do anything but cry.

"Te-te-total loser!" Laughed a bully holding one of his legs.

"T-Temari!" Gaara shut his eyes and struggled, yanking his arms, kicking, and twisting his body. Tears ran down his cheeks as it suddenly became hard to breathe. They then approached their destination, "Okay gentlemen, you guys ready to do this?" They all laughed and began swinging Gaara, "On the count of three; one, two, thr-!"


One of the bullies went flying as Naruto swung his fist at him, "Get away from him!" Since one of his legs were finally free, Gaara kicked the other kid holding him and caught him by surprise.

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