Dying Light (Bakugou x Fem! Reader)

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Your POV
You were lying in Bakugou's arms, blood running down your face as your eyes threatened to close. The world and everything around you seemed distant, like you were fading away. You knew you were dying, but you didn't really mind. You always knew that one day you had to go. You didn't know it would be the day Bakugou would confess to you. You had a small, weak smile on your face, trying to reassure the ash blonde that you would be okay. But you both knew that was a very slim chance. It was the day of the field trip to the training camp, and you had been so excited to train your quirk some more. That night, the villains attacked. They had tried taking a few of the students, including you, but had failed. Before they left, the made sure to leave a mark. By nearly killing the class favorite. Everyone in the class adored you. You always knew how to make everyone smile. And just like All Might, you always had a bright smile on your face. Everyone knew about your dark past. How it hard it is on you to keep that smile. 

Yet you did it every day.

And even now, as you neared your last breath, you wore a small smile. Bakugou was crying softly as he held you, begging you not to die. More like demanding you to not die, like he was trying to command your body to stay alive. You had multiple burns, stab wounds, cuts, and bruises. You chuckled weakly, and slowly raised a hand to Bakugou's cheek. "It's... going to be... okay... If I do... die. Promise me, to live life to the fullest... Become the best... for me..." you said, as your voice started to fade off. You felt his hand on top of yours, and you felt him nod. You looked at him, and smiled as best as you could. Your quirk, was light manifestation. And as you died, your body became consumed in light, then nothing. You seemed happy, and the words you had told Bakugou, the promise you had him make, rang through Bakugou's head. "I love you, (Y/N)..." he said, his head resting on your chest. When everyone came back, they saw him crying next to your lifeless body, and they knew it was over. You were gone. The light had died, leaving everyone's life as dark as midnight without a moon. 

~The End~

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