A Quiet Night

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(⚠️Blood, swearing and slight nudity warning!⚠️)

Oh no oh no oh no!


The girl wheezed and panted as she ran through the thick forest behind the venue, in high heels and a revealing prom dress no less.

Her right hand clutched at her bleeding side while she pulled her friend along with her left, her breathing heavy as her flats pounded against the ground full of tangled tree roots and broken twigs. (Y/n) has never seen her friend run so fast in her entire life.

And she had a good reason to.

The heavy foot falls of the guy chasing after them was clear in their ears as they weaved between trees and jumped over branches. (F/n) was actually the one who alerted her of the fact that her ex was walking around the prom venue, but (Y/n) paid him no mind. She didn't think he was there for her.

God how wrong she was.

She should've known that he was gonna pull some shit like this, he wasn't even supposed to be at prom anyway.

If only she'd noticed sooner, than she wouldn't have had to run into the forest, she wouldn't have had to drag (F/n) into this and ruin her prom night.

If she had noticed what was going on sooner, than she wouldn't have gotten fucking stabbed in the gut.

Bastard was still chasing after them too, though the pounding of his ugly ass sneakers was starting to get farther and farther away.

(Y/n) started slowing down after running for another 10 minutes without hearing anything, (F/n) coming to a stop as well. The second they stopped running (Y/n) collapses onto the ground, the overnight bag slung onto her shoulder created a loud thudding sound next to her.

(Y/N)!!" (F/n) crouched down on the ground next to her and placed a hand on her back for comfort. (Y/n) just kept clutching at her side, trying to stop the bleeding as the adrenaline from their unexpected chase finally starting to wear off as the pain settled in.

"Fuck, I spent 2 months designing and making this dress and now it has a stab mark and blood all over it! What a fucking asshole, bro." She then doubled over with a loud pain filled groan, resting her head in the dirt and soft moss.

(F/n) dragged her duffel bag over to where they were both crouched down on the ground and began sifting through it. She let out a small "Aha!" and pulled out a roll of bandages and some rubbing alcohol in a plastic bottle.

"Okay, take off your dress." (F/n) shuffled closer to her and began to undo the clasps on the collar part of her dress, which caused the whole top position of the dress to fall off (Y/n)'s body and pool around her hips.

(Y/n) removed her hands from the stab wound to instead wrap them around her exposed chest as (F/n) quickly got to work cleaning and dressing the wound. The wound ended up not being as deep as they were expecting luckily, it still needed stitches but for now she was okay until they got to a hospital.

(Y/n) hissed and groaned through her teeth as her friend poured the rubbing alcohol over her would and began to dab at it with some baby wipes that she had.

"Why do you have so much shit on you? We were only supposed to stay over at (Other friend)'s house for the weekend after this." She chuckled at her friend when she pouted at her but then quickly grit her teeth together again in pain when the alcohol continued to burn.

"Well, you never know what crazy shit could happen while you're away from home. Plus it came in handy anyway. Now straighten out you back a little bit, I need to wrap this around you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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