My Grandma

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You were my best friend.  The one I most looked up to.  The matriarch of the family.  I always felt as though you always knew what to do.  You were the one who always fixed things mended relationships.  You always helped those in need.  You were much wiser then your time and yet very young at heart. 

You had a spark in your eye that would light up a room.  You had the most loving smile.  You were a beautiful and classy lady.  You were one of the strongest women I ever knew.  You never showed fear even in scary situations. 

You taught me to pray.  You looked death in the face with such bravery.  You handled yourself like a boss.  Never in my life have I met someone who could accomplish what you have.  I miss our talks.  I miss spending time together.  I can still hear your loving voice in my mind.  Not a day goes by that I am not reminded of you.  I miss you Grandma.

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