*Logince pt.2*

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Logan handed Roman his confession letter with shaking hands. Logan had never felt so alive, but he managed to keep his stoic attitude up.

Roman sighed opening the letter, he never looked forward to letter day. He was never good enough for Logan. Roman grabbed his letter and sat on the couch in the commons room, Logan uncomfortably sitting next to him.
Roman's thoughts wandered while opening the letter. His thoughts were surrounded with pictures of Logan. He knew he was head over heels for the nerd, he just never got the chance to tell him.
Roman looked up from the half opened letter, at Logan. Logan had pulled out his pocket thesaurus and was flipping through it. Roman chuckled a bit, he fell so hard for the nerd. He wanted to do anything he could to make himself perfect for Logan, he would do anything for him.

Logan was flipping through his thesaurus trying to act busy, but in reality he was internally begging to see Roman's reaction. He felt nervous and even a little scared. Why was Roman taking so long to open the letter? Maybe this was a mistake.
Logan's thoughts were overwhelming him. 

Roman finally opened the letter and begain to read. Logan was internally freaking out, regret filling his thoughts.
"Roman. You're voice is alluring, your actions are well put togeather, you're a wonderful actor, and a brilliant poet." Roman blushed at this. He was really insecure about his voice, but the most judgemental person here liked it. Roman continued to read, trying to ignore his flushing face.

"The only thing I want you to improve on, is to stop distracting me." Roman paused. Was he too distracting? Did Logan not want him around? Did Logan hate him?
Roman shook his head, if his thoughts continued he'd make himself cry.

"You're so attractive, and perfect, and courageous, I could literally go on all day about how wonderful you are. You distract me, and I need you to stop." That really took Roman back. "Was this a joke?" He wondered. He continued to read face flushing a deep red.

"You're beautiful, kind nature keeps me from finishing my work even if you're not in the room. I would also appreciate it if you didn't  cloud my thoughts every minute of the day." Roman didn't know how to react. Thoughts plagued his mind. There's no way Logan actually wrote this.

"I would like it if you stopped making me day dream of being with you." 'BEING WITH ME?' Roman thought 'Does-does Logan like me?' Roman had to continue reading.

"I would love it if you just stopped being perfect and let me work!
With best care- Logan"

Roman reread the paper a few times to make sure he actually read what he thought he read. Then he placed the letter down on the table and turned to Logan.

Logan was shaking as he put down his theasourous. He turned to Roman, preparing himself for the worst.
Roman grabbed Logan's hands and held them between his. Roman looked into Logan's eyes, while Logan looked down. "Logan, did-" Roman paused thinking about what to say. "Did you mean what you wrote?" Logan bit his lip letting the heat rise farther. Nodding his head only a bit.
"S-so you like me?!" Roman asked excitement filling his voice.
Logan was expecting the creative side to start laughing at him. "Y-yeah?" Logan cleared his throat and straightened his back, looking Roman in the eyes. "I am uh- physically, emotionally, and romantically attracted to you Roman, and I understand if you dont feel-"
Logan was cut off by a pair of lips.

Logan blinked in surprise he looked forward to see Roman attached to him. Logan didn't have time to react before Roman pulled back.
"I uh- sorry." Roman chuckled a bit. "Got a little emotional Haha."

Logan just blinked he couldn't respond, he didn't know how to.
"Logan?" Roman questioned Logan's silence. "Loooogaaann?" Roman waved his hands in front of the intelligent sides face. "Oh God I broke him." Roman gasped.
Logan finally allowed his words to come back. "So wait," Logan questioned. "Does-" Logan blinked and heals his hand to his head. "Does this mean you're attracted to me? Like romantically?!"

Roman let out a hearty laugh and lifted Logan's chin so there eyes were staring at eachother.
"Yes, smart guy, I am in love with you."
Logan felt a surge of emotions, he pushed forward, pushing Roman down to the couch. "Roman tell me right now if this is a joke!" Roman laughed. "Dude I kissed you first! This isn't a joke."

Logan leaned forward and kissed Roman hard, allowing all his hidden emotions to soar forward.
Roman let out a surprised gasp but quickly started kissing back.

Eventually they both pulled away, out of breath. Holding each others foreheads together while staring into each other's eyes. "I'm in love with you Roman, and I'm not scared to admit that now." Roman gave out a giggle that made Logan's heart leap. "I'm in love with you too, nerd." Roman laughed.

They both sat there on the couch for a while, talking about how much they loved eachother.
And eventually they fell asleep. Only to be caught the next day, cuddling on the couch, by a squealing Patton.

Logan and Roman had never been so happy.
Hope y'all liked it! Leave suggestions please! And tell me how I did! ❤❤❤😘✌

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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