Chapter Two: A New Beginning

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           The next tests passed by without a hitch; the only thing to do was touch the object representing the test subject. I started off with the intelligence test first then moved on to the physical which was measurements and intense pain upon touching the small pair of weights. I wonder how these objects were created. Magic doesn't exist so, how are these objects able to do what they do?

            After my painful encounter with the weights, my muscles ached and throbbed with soreness and pain. It took all I had not to crunch myself into a little ball of pain. I dug my fingernail into my palm, almost drawing blood. I hope all of the tests won't be like that...

.               .              .

            The rest of the tests were... well, interesting. The test for senses was pretty cool. As soon as I touched a specific pair of black gloves, I smelt all of these new scents, some good, some gross, and I tasted all of these different flavors too. For a moment I briefly wondered how many tastes could possibly exist after I was hit by a myriad of flavors.

           I could feel my eyes dilate and saw so many details I've never seen before and I could almost tell each separate piece of thread from the next upon touching the gloves. I heard a bunch of different sounds, some new, some more familiar. Not only that but, it seemed the temperature dropped and rose, dropped and rose. I didn't know that could happen.

         I felt the space around me more clearly too. At first, it was like everything was closing in, then it was as if everything moved away from me. For a second, I felt off balance then perfectly serene, and when I moved my head to look around, I could barely feel it before I felt it all too well.

         But as soon as all these sensations came, they were gone. My tongue felt utterly alone, the room felt too small, too cold, too silent. My fingers couldn't feel each separate thread anymore, and I didn't feel the need to hold on to something before I fell over.

           Then came the test to see my responses to certain situations. Jehk showed me to a small black square with a shiny screen. He told me to pick it up and hold it to where I could fully see it. I did, and when I did, the screen turned on. It didn't only just turn on though. I could feel it absorb my field of vision so all I could see was the screen and nothing else. At first, there was just a blank white space... then it turned on.

           The things I saw... they were interesting, to say the least. Puddles of blood, piles of bodies all of this decorated a worn battlefield. To be honest, I wondered what had happened, and if this scene was real or not.

           Soon I felt the screen receding. Then all there was, was that black square screen that had nothing on it.

          I turned to Jehk who was to my right and he turned to look at me. "Head this way please." He said then turned around and sauntered off toward the door to which he pointed at. I wordlessly followed Jehk to the main room beyond the doors. I recognized this room as the room I originally came from. The only difference was that Mother was there. I walked in with a blank-faced. I sat down in a chair none too close to her and watched as Jehk took his place standing about six feet from us.

            Through another door that was created due to moving walls came four people, a thin woman, and three heavily built men. The men stood in front of Jehk and the woman stood in front of them, kind of like a pyramid.

            "Hello," said the woman. "I am Yeellah and I have great news for you." She said this while looking at my mother as if this news wasn't important to me as well. Yeellah had some yellowish blonde hair, which I found funny because her name sounds like "yellow."

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