Steph's Fortnightly Adventure: Pleasant Surprise

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It's been two days since the L'art est la passion (Art is passion) gala. I don't usually look for a fix outside my scheduled time, as I have other things doing but masturbating couldn't do it for me. I had to satiate.

Pleasant Surprise

Back to upper New York I went. I went to a posh bar near where I had met Jermaine Remy hoping to snag another 'big fish'. I ordered a dirty martini, fixed my hair and waited till a man confident enough to approach me took the bait.

The first to take the bait was a married man on-the-run. What did I mean by 'on-the-run'? He had no ring on his finger. Sadly for him, I'm very observant. I saw the ring imprint in his top left shirt pocket when he moved his jacket to sit beside me. I let him down hard.

"So, you come to a bar to flirt with me when you're already married?"

As he tried to figure out how I knew, he mumbled, "Wha.. What do you mean? I'm single."

So, I replied as disgustingly as I could, "Firstly, you have an undertone smell of Charme' 12. That's a cologne women wear. Secondly, I can see your ring imprint from over here. Thirdly, there's no way you'd not be married and have a 'dad charm' on your key chain. So, on top of being married, you have kids. You must be dad of the year."

With what little left of his pride he stood up and left.

The second to take the bait was a nerdy guy, from his demeanor. I wasted no time. I let him down easy. He didn't seem like he'd be my type.

The third was surely a treat. He was tall, had a low beard, was muscular, had nice teeth, a deep voice and basically spelled trouble. He was definitely my type. He was so smooth.

"So, is it my time?", he asked.

"Your time for what, exactly?"

"Well, I've seen you do away with a few guys that approached you but they didn't seem like your type."

"And, what's my type?"

"You're looking at it."

'Mmm. Confident.', I thought to myself. "Well, Mr. my type, woo me.", I replied.

"This is neither the time nor the place." After a brief pause, as he licked his lips and used his index finger and thumb to wipe it clean, he said, "I'll be free an hour from now. Wait till then and I'll woo you."After that, he left.

After that, many came potential suitors came by but none seemed to pique my interest as he did. As a matter of fact, they were just time wasters till he came back. One guy even got angry and left. He was there working all the corny lines in the book and I sat there staring into space thinking about how 'my type' was gonna woo me. I had high expectations. And, honestly, the guy who came wasn't worth my time.

An hour and 15 minutes had passed since he left. Yeah, I was checking the time. When he came, we hopped into his jaguar and headed to his apartment. The Jag looked like a rental but I really didn't care.

At his apartment, he sat me down, got some wine and we drank for a few moments till he was ready for me. Now, I went to the apartment to be fucked properly and would accept nothing less. Though, I had my thoughts from the bar that he wasn't going to disappoint.

On the sofa in his apartment, he began making his move. While turning my head with his left hand slowly to kiss me, his right hand made its way between my thighs. His index and middle fingers running along the lips of my pussy, made me wetter. Yes, wetter. Being this close to him while having wine was enough to make me wet.

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