Statement of Faith

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A while ago, I had to write a statement of faith on certain topics for school (college). I can't 100% guarantee these are still my thoughts because I change as I learn, but nonetheless, here is what I believed like a year ago.


Is predestination real?


It is Biblical. There is no way around this.

In love he predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.

So what does this mean for us? Let's break it down.

I adhere to the Wesleyan tradition of predestination. At the beginning of time, God KNEW exactly who would accept him and who would not. He knows the names and details of every single person who will live, walk, and breath on the New Earth. Before time began (pre), God knew who was heaven-bound and who wasn't (destined). Those people he foresaw, he lumped together into the predestined. If you have Jesus in your heart right now, that means that before creation, God knew where you would end up. He knew it was your destiny to go to heaven.

"But what about free will?" the Armenians cry. 

Well, here's the thing. Everything I just told you up there changes nothing, regardless of your perspective. NOTHING. Of course God knew, from before the dawn of time, who would accept him and who would reject him! He's God! Looking down, he saw all of us who would accept his gift of salvation, and we became the predestined.

God FORESAW our predestination, but did not CAUSE it.

This was "according to the purpose of his will..." because his will was that all who would accept him would inherit eternal life.

We chose our predestination. We accepted it. We answered yes, and Jesus moved in. This changes nothing. Should we stop going to the ends of the earth, preaching the Good News? NO! How else are we going to reach every lost and broken heart? Even though God knew the results ahead of time, he calls us to help him with his perfect plan. He calls us to make disciples.

"Does he REALLY need us?" you scoff. "He's God."

Of course he's God. He can do whatever he wants, all on his own. But I say figuratively, he "needs" us. Our job was made very clear in the Great Commission. This is what God told us to do.

We must preach the news, the very true and glorious news, that God loves every single man, every single woman, every single child, who ever walked this planet. 

He does not desire anyone to go to hell. He wants so greatly for each of his creations to accept his salvation.

2 Peter 3:9: "The Lord is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

Jesus came because of his love for the WORLD. This is as true as predestination. God's love for the entire world, and predestination: both true. And if you look beyond the arguing and extreme, you find that both exist simultaneously. Of course they do.

Don't you remember that God is Love? Don't you realize his heart can be broken?

Free Will

Can anyone come to Jesus without Jesus himself first initiating it?


We are utterly powerless without him first moving towards us.

Jesus is constantly pursing us, drawing us close to him, knocking on the doors of our hearts. Some of us open the door. Others never do.

It is my belief—though others, reasonably, may think otherwise—that neither God nor the Bible can be proved. If you put me in court and tell me to prove God's existence, I'm sorry, I can't do that. I can tell you what I consider to be proof, but you will not believe me.

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