A Normal Day

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Brownie was going through the restaurant, dropping off food as he walked. He looked over at Napoleon Cake. Napoleon Cake was also delivering food. Master Attendant was watching making sure everything was okay. It was almost time to close up.

The last few customers trickled out. "GOOD JOB FOOD SOULS!" Mini Master Attendant yelled as they ran at us. Their small teapot head bobbling around. Everyone came back and started to clean stuff up when an earthquake struck. Strange lights appeared in the center of the restaurant. They swirled and blinked. Before they all came together and a circular doorway opened up.

Cold Rice Shrimp Hugs Madam Master Attendant. "Mommy, what's that portal for" just as those words fell out of her mouth everyone started to get dragged into the portal.
Last thing Brownie saw was Ichi opening the door and just staring.

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