Chapter 5 - Needles

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! I hope you're enjoying the story so far

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I see a lot of you love Needles Nonna, she is based on my mother in law! I thought I would give a double update, and I'm sure, if you're anything like me, you'll be drooling over the latest picture xxx

A morning run is what I need to clear my head. I don't get much time to come out here with the shop, my grandmother and the club, but when I can I love the peace of running through the trail in the woods. My first appointment is at 10am so I have time to run, shower and get breakfast before I get to the shop.

I stop when I reach the top of the slope, taking a generous gulp from my water bottle. I reach over my shoulder, pulling my shirt over my head and using it to wipe the sweat from my face before tucking it into my shorts. I take a deep breath and then begin my run back down.

I'm about half way down when I swear I can hear music coming from the trees, I stop running and follow the sound, Slipping my tee back on. I climb over a fallen tree and heading deeper into the dense forest as the sound gets louder, is it a violin? Suddenly I see long silver hair, a girl sitting on a fallen tree, playing the cello. Is she playing U2? I step closer when she suddenly stops and looks at me, she gasps and stands up

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, I just heard your music." I smile and try to make my 6'3 muscle and tattooed frame not look as intimidating. She takes a step back

"I just... was that U2?" I ask and her eyes shoot to mine

"It was." She smiles "I love the way it sounds on the cello."

"Could you play it again?" I ask

"You want me to play for you?" She asks, her brows furrowing. How do I try not to sound like a psycho killer to the beautiful girl in front of me? The most beautiful girl I've seen. Her slender but curved figure, her long legs hidden under black denim

"I just haven't heard that song on a cello before, it sounds good. I'm Jacob." I say holding my hand out to her. If I had told her my name was Needles she'd definitely think I was dangerous. She looks at my hand, looks around, probably trying to figure out if she can run, before she takes me hand

"Molly." I'm dumbstruck by the feel of her, the warmth and electricity travelling through my body at just touching her hand.

"With or without you is my favourite modern song to play." She smiles as she sits back on the tree and picks up her cello and bow. I find a rock to the right of her and sit down to watch her play

"Umm, I don't normally play for people and this is going to sound weird, but could you close your eyes?" She blushes and I chuckle

"You got it." I close my eyes and she begins to play, it sounds so beautiful.

"That was awesome." I smile when the song ends

"You like it?" She asks timidly and I nod

"What else you got?" I ask

"Ok, see if you can guess." She smiles before playing

"Smooth criminal." I click my fingers and point at her cello as I guess and she nods.

"Thunderstruck." I guess again and she giggles, god she's beautiful. Her big bright blue eyes, her full lips, her smile is gorgeous and her laugh contagious. The game continues as she plays different rock songs and I guess.

"Ok I'm sure you won't get this one." She smirks before playing, I realised her eyes were closed after the fourth song, so I watch her play and quickly close my eyes before she stops. The way she moves her slender fingers, her head rolling back and shaking to the music, her hair waving in the breeze. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

"Is that feeling good?" I ask

"Yeah, I love Nina Simone, have you heard of her?" She asks

"I love her." I smile

"You have good taste." She smiles

"So what brought you out to the woods to play cello at this time of the morning?" I ask and she blushes

"My uh.. roommates were making a lot of noise and I wanted some piece." She says and I laugh

"I see. Getting back at you for when your boyfriend stays over?" Was that too obvious?

"I uh, don't have a boyfriend, we broke up a few weeks ago." She shrugs, yes, I'm taking a shot.

"I should probably get going, have breakfast with my, uh, roommates." She smiles shyly as she begins packing up her cello

"Let me carry it down for you, I'm heading that way anyway." I smile

"Umm, ok." She nods as she seals the case and I pick it up, using the long strap to secure it over my shoulder. I take her hand to help her over the fallen tree as we make it back to the trail

"Do you think I could get your number? We could hang out some time, maybe you could play some more for me." I say as I pull my cell from my shorts pocket

"I don't know if that's such a good idea." She says looking at the ground

"I promise I'm not some psycho stalker hunting the woods for girls to prey on, I just like your music and I haven't met anyone for a long time who likes Nina Simone." I try to explain but probably only make it worse

"Umm, ok, but only because you promised." She smiles as she takes my cell and saves her number. I take it back from her and send her a text so she has my number and I hear her cell chime

"I'm surprised you didn't give me a fake number." I smirk

"It crossed my mind." She giggles.

"This is me." She says as she pulls her keys from her jeans pocket and presses the button to unlock her car. She reaches up to pull the strap from my shoulder and I use the opportunity to wrap my arm around her waist and pull her body against mine

"What're you doing?" She asks looking up at me

"I'm sorry, but you're so beautiful I can't let you go without tasting these lips." I whisper as I lean down and feel her breath against my lips. She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and I have to fight the urge to groan. She subtly nods her head and I take that as a yes as I press my lips to hers.

So soft and sweet, I growl against her lips as they move perfectly with mine, her hand resting on my shoulder and her body flush against mine. I run my tongue over her bottom lip and her lips part on a sigh as I slide into her mouth. Fuck she tastes perfect as my hand moves from her waist, up her spine and into her hair. Her tongue timidly touches mine before she breaks the kiss. Her cheeks are flushed a deep red against her pale skin, but her eyes burn with lust

"I should probably go." She says looking down at the ground

"When can I see you again?" I ask

"Well, I'm between jobs right now, so I have a lot of free time, you have my number." She smiles before she takes her cello off my shoulder. I watch as she pushes it into the back seat and climbs in. I watch her drive away until her car is out of view.

Fuck I've never felt like that about some one I just met, I've never felt electricity like that from just a kiss. I have to see Molly again, and soon.

I pull my leather cut from my saddlebag and slip it over my shoulders before climbing onto my motorcycle and riding off towards the clubhouse.

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