ch.1 the jumper

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(drawing is not mine I couldn't find my drawing so it'll be in the next chapter)

(No one's pov)

7 years ago

She kept sprinting, jumping, running and jumping.

On trees, on rocks. she kept running because is she stopped then she will be tramped to death.

she was gasping for air due to how long she was sprinting
her little companion was moving Infront of her, running even faster than her.

Which made sense because her companion was a rabbit.
A rabbit named red. Her fur was white as snow with black tips on all her four paws. Her eyes are red as fine cut ruby's.

together they ran away from the angry mob of hungry villagers that belonged to the endeavour kingdom.

The duo ran deeper in to the green forest. as the shouts of the angry mobs grew distance as they kept running.

Eventually. all they could hear was the barley audible shouts,some birds chirping  and the girl takeing shallow deep, loud gasps

they slowed down. The girl legs aching 

The girl looked around, Franticly

finding a weather worm huge ,wide tree,

The girl fast-walked to the tree and inspected the top, for a branch that will hold her weight,

her eyes dashed all over in a frantic pace like life depended on it which it did ,
the girl whistled a high pitched, short whistle

Red jumped on the girls left shoulder

the girl climbed at dashing speeds, mindfull of her companion which clung tightly on her shoulder,

they climbed together to reach the top,
the duo can hear the voices of enraged villagers getting closer, causing the girl to climb faster, her hands are bleeding,

Nearly reaching the top, she grabbed branches to host her higher.

She  Eventually found a thick long branch.

They climbed towards the branch. Gently landing on it as to not snap it with a sudden force.

Red jumped down her shoulder landing on her thigh. With the intent to rest on her comfortable thighs.
Due to how much she was running.

She took deep breaths. The adrenaline is starting to waver off.

she glanced down to see the Outraged, starving villagers,

they were shouting at eachother. And assuming her location.

All she had to do was muffle her breathing and let the darkness hide her.

-----time skip----------
It grew dark. The once clear blue sky is now a deep navy blue with little white specks of all different sizes.

Covering the night sky.
The angry villagers were now giving up and heading back to their homes. Defeated they all started to mumble curse words as they walked in defeat.

'Looks like they didn't notice the dry  blood stains' the girl though 

The girl was still on the tree branch. Aswell as her companion. Red was laying comfortably on her thigh

the girl strokes reds head gently. Aswell as silently watching the villagers. Going back to their kingdom. To enter their homes

the girl couldn't hear the starved frustrated villagers, after a while. But decided to climb down.

The girl whistled at red. 

Red slowly got up and jumped on her shoulder.

Wanting to go on the grass

The duo climbed down slowly. And eventually landing on the dark green grass.

Red jumped down and walked towards the direction of her home

The girl followed red.  She was thinking about how her sister their two friends will react to the food that the girl came back with.

She was gone for a while day. She normally looked forward to see her family after being away for long periods of time

With a slight smile she cept walking towards the direction of her camp.

---1 hour later--------
The girl could see her camp from a distance

As she got closer

she had a really weird feeling. dread..?

The girl never understood her emotions so she was really confused. But she carried on. With food and water That she nicked.
The food would last for about .at least 4 weeks untill she had to hunt for food again

Which she did not mind.

She just wanted to see her gang again and see their face light up when she came back.

The girl was walking and walking.
For what felt like hours
She found her self facing the camp.

And when the girl means "camp" she means a cave

She was walking into the dimly lit cave. As she is walking .
she could hear broken voices. They sounded so sad.

The girl was confused

the girl walked in .she saw her sister.
But the sister is quite
This is really unusual. Because the girls sister would normally shout " eyy blueberry came!"in a energetic voice

(That's her nickname)

But the sister wouldn't speak

The sister didn't say anything to The girl but the girl had a feeling that something happened. Or had a bad day it was probably both

And that information was always dreadful

The girl looked around the room and saw a person missing.

The person was her bestfriend

The girl snapped her head and looked at her sister

The sister didn't look at her at all

the sister expression was sorrowful

(To be continued)

The story will continue but please don't hate and I'll tell the girls name and aswell as her gangs name In future chapters.

See boi

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