ch.3 predator and prey

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( osorenai's sister)

Present time

(No one's pov)

Osorenai looks at her belongings and mutters
"alright so I have my cloak, arrows, knives , backup knives , my bow, water for red, and my money"

Osorenai looks around the temporary camp and see's Kai eating, she was eating bread with butter

"Oh yeah Kai"

Kai's head perked up. Due to her name being called

"Yeah blu berry?" Kai says, her mouth full of bread

"you are in charge of guarding the temporary camp"
Osorenai says sternly

Kai's wings go down a bit

"Why don't I ever get to go to town with you." Kai said. sounding sad and disappointed

"Alright kai. How do you think you are able to cover your 10f wings?"
Osorenai asks

Kai looks down
"fine ill guard this place" Kai's wings droops down even more

" *Sigh*.... Alright if I see any chocolate with nuts. I'll nick them for you alright?"

Kai looks up and smiles brightly
"THANK YOU BLUE BERYY!" Kai exclaimed. hugging her big sister

Osorenai slightly smile's "alright, alright. Let's see if aka is awake"

Kai let's go of her big sister and goes back to eating, being excited caused her to choke a little


the two sisters hear running and thumping

"Alright IM GOING WAIT FOR ME, FUCK FACE" aka shouted. running to osorenai

"Well good morning to you too" the two sisters say at the same time

Aka. looks like a mess. Her looooooooooong orange and red hair is mixed. And her dark blue dress looks wrinkled

 And her dark blue dress looks wrinkled

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(This is what she looks like)

"Geez at least let me freshen up!"
Aka exclaimed

"Wait!" Kai shouted to aka

"Let me do your hair!"

"sure but it's ganna get messed again tho" aka replys, unsure

"I don't really care. JUST LET ME BRAD YOUR HAIR"

"Alright! Geez. Calm your tits!"

Osorenai snorted

---16 m later------

(Aka hair style looks like the drawing above)

Aka looks in the hand mirror (that appeared out of no where)

"Oh so this is nice! Can we do twin Braid's later?' aka asked

"No we wasted enough time, we have to get going now" osorenai says, slightly annoyed

"Fine fine. Be safe kai" aka says

Osorenai sights and then whistled a high pitched but short whistle.

Aka,Kai and osorenai waited.

And waited

Untill they heard small running and thumping

Coming from a distance

Osorenai walked outside with aka and Kai following

Osorenai squat down and waited

Untill a white fluffy rabbit came out a tree and landed in osorenai's arms

Osorenai puts red on the scruffy green grass

Only to have red jump on her shoulder

"Alright, Kai . Stay in your dragon form and guard the temporary camp, untill we get back. I'll send red back if something bad happed to us. Alright?"

Kai looks at osorenai and smiled

Kai had clouds of smoke coming out of her body. The smoke covered osorenai and akas field of view

As the smoke dispatched .

all the duo could see was a purple dragon with sky-blue wings and splotches of dark purple, navy blue and light purple, on her scales

The dragon lowers her head to see osorenai better

All osorenai did was smak her head

(To be continued)

See boi this is just for fun lmao

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