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"Eunsang, it's not really important, but do you maybe know anything about this trainee named Seungwoo..?"

I sat next to him. He stared blankly at the wall for a second and then turned his head to my direction. He put a smile on. "I don't know him"

"Oh, okay. Then I won't bother you" clearly this topic made him uncomfortable, but I couldn't figure out why.

"You're never bothering me" he put his hand on my knee. "Don't dare to think I have any negative thoughts about you. To me you're perfect."

"Eunsang.." I was speechless. I mean, what can I say in this type of situation? I wouldn't ever consider that someone can say that about me. I'm full of flaws. Sometimes I can't even look at myself in the mirror.

The door slapped open. Hyeongjun showed up with a mug in his hand.

"Guys Imma eat in the bathroom, if any manager decides to check on us say that I'm having a hard time on the toilet" he whisper-shouted.

Well, I wasn't expecting that.

"Is he on a diet?" I asked

"Unfortunately we all are, you will be too. I'm worried about Hyeongjun, he's already underweight, but management don't care. I swear, sometimes I feel like they're legally torturing us" He lowered his head. "I wonder if our hardships will ever pay off, one mistake can kick us out. Take Minkyu for example."

"Who's Minkyu?" I got confused. Should I know him?

"Hyeongjun didn't tell you?" I nodded. "Well, he was management's favourite. Even though his skills weren't as good as ours he was on top. But he fell in love. He fell in love with Hyeongjun."

"Then why was Minkyu the only one kicked out?"

"He got caught placing a love letter. Hyeongjun didn't know about Minkyu's intentions so they kept him."

"Did... did Hyeongjun have feelings for Minkyu?" Please say no, that would be awful. I can't imagine being in that situation.

"You need to ask Hyeongjun himself."

"Yes I had" Song came out of the bathroom. "I still have" he looked me in the eyes. "But I can't even contact him. I can't ever talk to him him. The company would kick me out too" Hyeongjun definitely was devastated.

He can't contact him. But I can

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