Mission impossible

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I hid in the corner of an empty individual practice room. I grabbed a pan and paper.

"Let's plan this out" I thought out loud.
"Ugh.. how am I supposed to do it, there has to be no proof of their contact. They're checking our phones - I can't call him because I'm friends with Hyeongjun so it would be too suspicious" I really wanted to help my friend but I didn't know it would be this hard. I mean, where are they going to meet? Who's going to contact Minkyu? The staff is always checking on us. I threw my head back in frustration and accidentally hit the wall.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" someone rushed to me and put his palm on the back of my head. I looked up.

Han Seungwoo.

"What?" I said in shock, how long had he been standing there?

"It sounded painful" he looked worried.

"No, I mean, how much did you hear?"

"Everything, I suppose" I shook my head. No.. it's a top secret mission, no one should know about that. "It's not that I've been lurking or anything, I just happened to be here. I'm sorry"

"Just, please don't tell anyone" I spoked quietly, staring at my shoelaces, as the room became silent I eventually started playing with them.

"I can help" he put his hand on my shoulder. "I know you have no reason to trust me, we barely know each other, but I can be useful"
Seungwoo seemed like a good person. I've seen him a few times, smiling brightly, joking around with his friends. He definitely is caring. His presence calms me even though we've met only twice. I felt like I should trust him, like I should stay by his side.

I looked into his eyes. "Let's do it"

Minglem mission:

1. Contact Minkyu

2. Determine the meeting place - no staff can see them!!

3. Make excuse for Hyeongjun leaving the entertainment

4. Keep the plan super secret! - so after accomplishing the mission burn this paper!!! You can't leave any proof.

"Here, take this, I handed him the list and I'll give you my number... you know, just in case you want to discuss anything"

I'm super sorry for the slow updates. I've been feeling my worst lately. I'm actually at the hospital, but I'll try writing more.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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