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⚠ Slight Sexual Content Ahead
Day Four of Seven
Jaerin woke up and saw a sticky note on her face.

Hi!!!!! When you go outside you will see a hotel, go in there and watch your next memory. I will be a bit late, sorry. :(
- Your favorite god <3

Jaerin woke Minhyuk up and showed him the note.

"Just the hotel? The lane will be empty?" He asked.

"I guess." She replied.

"Well, let's go then." She said.

The two left the house and only saw the hotel. They quickly recognized it as the hotel they spent their honeymoon. They went in but unlike their reality, this time there was only one room. Minhyuk turned to knob, indicating that it was unlocked. He knew what the memory waiting for them was.

They were met with the newly wedded Jaerin and Minhyuk standing near the door.
"I am so happy we are finally married." Jaerin said, smiling. "I've been dreaming about getting married since I was a little girl but I still wasn't prepared.

Minhyuk kissed her and nodded. "Me too. I rehearsed over and over but I was still nervous and cried a ton."

The two laughed slightly before Minhyuk became quiet. He looked down at Jaerin's lips and kissed her. It was with love and something else.

He went down to Jaerin's neck and she moaned pulling him closer. She brought her hands to his chest and unbuttoned his aloha shirt. He shuddered slightly at the feel of her hands on his abs. He pulled her yellow sundress over her head.

Jaerin blushed as her bra left her body. Minhyuk smirked and kissed her again as he undid his jeans, leaving only one garment as cover. He groaned in Jaerin's ear sending shivers down her spine. "Jump."

After a while, Minhyuk was about to enter Jaerin when he heard a whimper beneath him. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"I-I'm scared Minhyuk. I've n-never done this before. I-" She whimpered, a tear rolling down the side of her face.

"Hey hey, there is nothing to be afraid of, I promise. I'll be gentle, ok? Tell me when to stop. I won't hurt you. I'll take care of you."

And that he did. The two had connected their souls, but now their bodies were connected in love and care. Minhyuk made love to Jaerin and all her fears and doubts disappeared.

Finally, Minhyuk pulled out and collapses beside his bride. "That wasn't so bad, right?" Jaerin tiredly nodded her head. "Thank you for being my first and making me feel safe." She then dozed off. Minhyuk kissed her forhead and pulled up the covers, then finaaly falling asleep, ending the memory.

"Well, that was something." Simuli said, surprising the two yet again.

"How long were you here?" Jaerin asked.

"About halfway through." He replied.

"So you SAW that?" Minhyuk answered.

"Well yeah, but I've seen it before." He said. Then he looked at their faces and burst into laughter. "Oh my gosh, that sounded very weird. I mean, I compile your memories and decide what day you watch them, so I kinda have to watch them all first. Wow, that sounded like I use that for porn or something.... which I don't."

The two just slowly nodded their heads.

"Anyways, I decided to show you this memory not to- ahem- excite you or anything, but to show remind you, Minhyuk, how much she trusts you and you, Jaerin, how easy it is for you to trust him. Trust is hard to gain and hard to give. Don't let go of your refuges." And with that he left.

"He's right, losing you would mean losing the person I trust the most, the only person who can calm me down and make all my worries go away." Jaerin said, moving closer to Minhyuk.

"I only love and trust you." She mumbled in a low tone as he embraced her.

Minhyuk immediately closed the distance as he brought Jaerin's lips to his. At first he was a bit scared, as this was the first time in a while the two felt any sexual feelings and acted on them due to the frequent arguments.  He removed her shirt then went on to remove his own. Jaerin took her hands from Minhyuk's neck to pull down her skirt. Minhyuk couldn't ignore the feeling he was getting from seeing his wife in front of him, almost bare of clothing right in front of him.

Once all clothing was removed, Minhyuk attacked Jaerin's lips again. Then went lower to her neck, then collarbone, not leaving any of it unmarked.

Jaerin didn't allow only herself to be pleasured though. "I can always trust you to take care if me, and you do. But today I want to take care of you and make you feel as good as you make me feel. Do you trust me to do so?"

"Yeah. I trust you" Minhyuk moaned out.


"I am so happy that we fixed our relationship sexually too. I'm relieved that we can be like before. I missed this..." Jaerin breathed out.

"We haven't done this since... him." Minhyuk said, nodding. "I wish things were different." He added.


They stayed cuddled under the covers until a knock was heard. "Um sorry to interrupt this," Simuli said, gesturing towards the two. "but I wanted to change the lane for tomorrow, so this has to go. Also, why are you guys still here? It's pretty late."

The two stayed silent. Simuli then turned his head to the discarded clothes on the floor. His eyebrows raised, then realizing the activities the couple endulged in. "Ohhhhhhhh. Welp, I can tell you enjoyed yourselves but I have to change the lane, so I'll leave so you can clothe yourselves."

After the door closed, Jaerin and Minhyuk looked at each other and burst into laughter. "Come on, let's get dressed."

A Trip Down Memory Lane (Monsta X Minhyuk x FOC)Where stories live. Discover now