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*This chapter will be quite long.
Day Five of Seven
"Hey look, it's our house." Minhyuk said.

There stood the house the couple resides in currently on the lane. Their neighborhood the same with all the same people in it.

"Is this memory from recently?" Jaerin asked.

"Maybe it is." Minhyuk answered.

Right then, Simuli appeared before them. "Hey guys!"

"Hello, Simuli." the couple said.

"Are you ready to go in?" Simuli asked.

"Uh yeah, but how recent is this memory? This is our exact house." Minhyuk asked.

"You'll see."

With that, Simuli lead them into the house. As Minhyuk closed the door and joined Jaerin on their couch, the memory started with a Minhyuk that looked no different than the current one appeared standing near the bathroom door.

"Baby? Are you doing good in there? Do you need help?" Minhyuk asked through the door.

"I'm almost done!!!!! Oh my gosh, I might be pregnant!!!!! Aaaaaahhh!" Jaerin answered nervously.

"I wanna see it!"Minhyuk yelled excitedly.

"Ok, ok," She said, pausing as the pregnancy test came back positive.

Jaerin opened the door covering her mouth. Minhyuk immediately looked at her worringly. "What's wrong? Did it come back negative? I know we've been try-"

"I'm pregnant, Minhyuk! We're having a baby." The last words were muffled by her tears and Minhyuk's chest as she fell into his arms. They held each other, crying, for a few minutes until Minhyuk brought them down to the floor.

"You're gonna be a mother!!!!!" Minhyuk cried, holding Jaerin's hands in his

She nodded and wiped her face, "You're going to be a dad, Minnie! This is amazing. I wonder how far I've gone."

"We can go to a doctor to check." Minhyuk breathed out. "I am just so happy."

Jaerin covered her blushing face and squeeled. "I'm excited but scared at the same time, babe. I can't wait to see my belly and the baby but I'm so fucking nervous, I-"

Minhyuk stopped her with a kiss. "It's ok, you'll be fine. You'll be the best mother the baby could ever have."

"You think so?" Jaerin asked.

"I know so." Minhyuk answered. "Come 'ere!!" He said, pulling her into his lap and kissing her all over her face.

The two faded away, laughing and giggling.

Simuli breathed deeply. "So, how do you two feel watching that? I know your emotions are probably running wild."

"That memory is bittersweet. It was such a happy moment in our lives, but knowing what happens after makes it hard to watch." Minhyuk answered.

"This is one of the last good memories you two had together. Before...you know." The god stated. Minhyuk and Jaerin nodded, starting a short silent period.

"Well, I should let you get your rest. See you tomorrow." He said, and walked out.

Minhyuk took Jaerin's hand and rubbed it with the other, making her stand. "Come on."


Day Six of Seven
"I already know what today's memory is. The only one I've been trying to forget." Jaerin said, getting dressed. Minhyuk sighed and nodded.

A Trip Down Memory Lane (Monsta X Minhyuk x FOC)Where stories live. Discover now