Chapter 11: The Rift

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Clara's little visit suddenly made me realize just how long Joseph was taking on the first step. I couldn't give Briar Rose the rose unless Joseph poisoned her first. Curious and impatient, I made my way over to the fountain and decided to pull out another "seeing spell," focusing on Briar Rose this time.

The water spun in a small whirlpool, before giving way to an image of Briar Rose, still in her room. Joseph was in there, as well. I could only assume that he had just gotten there, since I hadn't noticed anything from my spot under the window. Although Clara could have distracted me.

Despite the fact that I had no desire to watch Briar Rose's idle chatter as Joseph secretly poisoned her, I decided to watch anyway, to satisfy my own boredom.

Joseph was holding two teacups. He placed one on the bedside table beside Briar Rose, who was sitting on the bed. He sat in a chair at the foot of the bed. He nodded politely and gave her a smile, but her eyes were downcast and scared. Almost sad.

Joseph stood up, his smile now faded, and stood in front of her. "Briar Rose, I need to apologize. I was... incredibly out of line in the hall. I don't know what came over me to..." his lip quivered for maximum pity points, "strike you like that."

Briar Rose stood up suddenly. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck in a deep hug. "I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have pushed you so hard on Elise. I know you love her, I just wanted to make sure she wasn't hurting you."

Joseph took her hands in his. "Elise could never hurt me, Rosie, she loves me."

Briar Rose giggled. "Rosie? You haven't called me that since we were children!" She started to actually laugh again, that laugh that I hadn't heard since the ball.

The ball where she nearly ruined my life. I thought.

"I'm just trying to fix what I broke. You're my best friend, I couldn't let things stay so broken between us," Joseph said.

She sighed. "I'm so glad you see that. I do care about you, Joseph. I may not love in the way our parents hope, but I still love you. As my dearest, closest friend."

"I've always been your best friend, Rosie. Remember when I caught you and Connor together for the first time? I remember seeing you two, giggling like fools, and that shocked face you gave when I turned the corner."

"Yes, we were terrified you were going to rat us out to my mother. But you kept it a secret for us, just like you promised."

"And those letters I would help him sneak to you?"

"So many wonderful memories," Briar Rose said. "but I'm glad you've come to your senses now." Her smile suddenly faded. "Wait, what about the wedding?"

Joseph backed away from her. "All in good time. In the meantime, I brought a peace offering, just in case you didn't accept my apology." He picked up the teacup on the bedside table and handed it to her.

"Thank you," she lifted it to her lips. I bit mine in anticipation, only to be disappointed when she lowered the cup. "We still have to get married, Joseph. I may not be happy about it, but it's my duty. The marriage will unite our kingdoms."

I could see Joseph gritting his teeth, but he regained his facade quickly. "I know. But let's worry about that later. Drink your tea."

She raised it up to her lips again, and in one breath, drank the whole thing. I let my breath out, satisfied. Joseph smiled once more, now with his eyebrows curled down, which returned to normal once Briar Rose looked at him.

"Fairly unladylike, I know, but I just had to have a drink."

Joseph laughed. "It's fine, I understand. We're all a bit stressed after today," he finished his own tea, then took the cups. "You get some sleep now. We have that meeting with those lords from Pike tomorrow morning."

He headed off towards the door, but Briar Rose jumped up and stopped him. He looked back at her, holding onto his wrist. "Joseph... what about you and Elise?"

He paused and thought carefully about his answer. "For your sake, I'll cast her out of my heart. Elise will be nothing but a memory."

"You would really do that for me?"

"Of course I would, Rosie. You believe that she's corrupting me, right?"

She didn't say anything, just nodded.

"You've never been wrong before. If you think Elise is bad for me, then I'll take your word for it. I could never do that to my best friend."

She hugged him again. "Thank you Joseph," she said. I could almost hear her welling up. Sure enough, when she pulled back, there were tears in her eyes. "You will always be my dearest friend, even if we are married."

Joseph smiled. "And you'll be mine. Now get some sleep."

"Goodnight, Joseph."

Joseph stepped out the door then peaked in through the crack. "Goodnight, Rosie."

I watched Briar Rose sit on her bed. Now satisfied, I removed the spell from the fountain. I knew for a fact that Joseph was waiting right outside that door, ready to come in as soon as Briar Rose fell asleep.

Seeing that interaction though, it made me really wonder why I hated her so much. Was it the ball? Maybe. Or could it be that she was so close with Joseph? No, she made it clear that they were only friends. Besides, she was in love with someone else.

My mind wondered about it, but my heart had thoroughly convinced me that it didn't matter. She was in my way, that was all. And now was the time to make her suffer. She had taken the spell from the tea. She had the magic in her system. Now, all she needed was the prick of a rose to activate the curse.

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