Chapter 16

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Fury boiling in Y/N's veins, you shot forward, cleaving Ragyo clean in two. The life fibers reattached the two parts, and she spun to strike you, but you easily parried the blow and stabbed her straight through the gut, cutting straight up, splitting her in two yet again. Just as before, the two parts linked back together, and you shoved your arm straight down, cutting her in two over and over again, and the life fibers began repairing her over and over again.

You werent getting tired. You would not slow down. Your path was set, and none would stop you: Not Ragyo, not the original life fiber, nothing.

In a split second, you adorned Ragyo's body in cuts, cleaving her in two at the waist once more. The life fiber repaired her once more.

"I cant die, Y/N! You cant kill me! The life fibers swirling throughout my body will continue to repair me until you are no more!" Ragyo shouted at you, cackling maniacally.

"You talk too much." You said, kneeling. A tendril shot from your back, wrapping around one of her arms. Another did the same to her other arm, and you leaped to split her down the middle again, the tendrils pulling in opposite directions to keep them from connecting.

Thinking you had won, still kneeling, you turned to look at her two parts.

Then, in perfect harmony, the two parts spoke.
"You fool! You've only made this harder on yourself!"
The two parts repaired separately, creating two instances of Ragyo. The others sprinted quick, Grabbing Ryukos lifeless body and getting out of there, leaving you and Ragyo to fight. She tried to keep them from leaving, but you moved quick enough to immobilize both Ragyo's.

"Your fight is with me, Bitch! Fight me! Kill me! Show me just how human you still are." You said, turning your arms back to normal.

"Human?!" She exclaimed, "You think there to be humanity still left in me?! I'll... I'll show you! I am Ragyo Kiryuin! I am one with the original life fiber! What humanity I had left is gone!"

"Then show me. If you are truly all life fiber, killing me should be no problem." You said with a smirk, holding your arms out.

Taken aback, the two Ragyo's rushed you, unleashing a powerful blow directly to your chest, causing a massive explosion. Somehow. Because Anime.

Laughing insanely, Ragyo looked around her. "This world is mine... mine to infect with the life fiber... the savior is dead! I killed him myself-"
Her speech would be inturrupted.

"Really? That all you got? Hardly felt that. Try harder." You said with a sneer.

She growled and unleashed a flurry of strikes, getting blocked or dodged with ease.
"Try harder. Faster!" You said, now encouraging her to kill you.

She went faster, getting more aggressive, angry with both you and herself.

"Your blood is heating up, Ragyo. You're getting angry. Feeling emotion. Still. Human." You remarked, hopping backward.
She roared, lunging straight at you. In a flash, you appeared behind her. The two halves fell to their knees, splitting in various ways, cuts everywhere.

"You let emotion win your heart. Anger can be a tool, only if you dont let it control you." You said, satisfied with yourself.

She tried pulling herself together, but failed.

"I... I cant... why cant I heal...? What have you done?!"

"You're done, Ragyo. You wont hurt this world anymore." You started walking away, satisfied with your work.

In shambles, unable to repair herself, the monstrosity that was Ragyo Kiryuin, staggered towards you.

"This... isnt over! You're still in my grasp! I have you right where I want you!" She screamed, falling to her knees.

You stopped, turning to her and approached. Your hand turned into a blade again, cleaving one of the copies heads off. It didnt regenerate. Your attention turned to the other, final copy.

"Repent now, and Maybe I'll let you go." You said, offering her one last chance at redemption.

"Never." She spat, exposing her neck for you.

Gently placing your blade to her throat, you cut it open. She... bled. Slowly. Quickly, you opened the wound, causing more blood to gush out.

"Rot." Turning, letting her bleed out, you made your way down to the rest of the group.

After finally finding them, you looked down at Ryuko's corpse.

"What were you thinking?" Satsuki would be the first to speak. "First you claim her to be your wife: Completely uncalled for and SO random. Then you kill her?!"

Your exhaustion got to you, and you collapsed beside Ryuko. Unconscious and in a death-like state.

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