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"Sentiment. What a horrible thing. It makes people happy and then suddenly, it's gone and it leaves its victims crying. Laughing along as it goes. I used to be a sensitive one. I used to think that love was so very important. But I was wrong. It may be important, but it's a horrible heart breaker. It leaves scars so deep it never stops bothering you until you die. People say it's beautiful. I say it's a monster. Because in reality, nothing matters. Nothing." Jack wrote. He scrawled his name onto a sheet of paper and stuffed it into his pocket. He stood up, groaning as his bones cracked from staying in the same position for so long. He pulled out his knife and smiled, awed by its beauty. He tilted it so that the rays of the sun could mirror its light off of the reflective surface of the knife. He let out a quiet chuckle as he slipped it back into its sheath, hidden inside his coat. He straightened up and pulled his top hat down to his forehead to cover his face and stepped forward, ready to kill again.

"Going somewhere?" inquired a female voice.

Jack paused, as a smile creeped across his face. "I knew you'd come," he replied in a voice that was hoarse from lack of use. He turned around to see a woman in a gray suit. She was hugging some sort of journal and had orderly, straight blond hair tucked behind her ear. She looked over her slipping glasses and smirked.

"Of course you did!" she chirped casually as she took a step forward. She paused, lost in thought as she scrunched up her lips as if disgusted and sighed then continued. "I sent you a message."

"How did you do it?" Jack demanded, glaring at her with fierce anger.

Fate stepped back, slightly shocked at his sudden harshness. She paused then bristled up. She stuck her chin up and pushed her glasses higher on her nose, annoyed at his rudeness. "Why would you want to know?" she challenged.

Jack snarled in response and ran at her. He grabbed her shirt collar with both of his hands and shoved her. As she fell, he yanked her up again and slid his knife out of its home and held it at her throat. "You sent me a message!" he hissed loudly, insanity showing clearly in his voice as it was shaky. "In my head!"

Fate only stood calmly, staring at the knife and sighed. She wrapped her hand around the knife's handle that Jack was holding and pushed it down with, surprisingly a lot of strength, effortlessly. Jack froze and let her step out of the crook of his arm. She turned around to face him and huffed, annoyedly. "I'm an angel, you idiot. And I want you to kill someone."

"You can't be." Jack responded adamantly.

"There's no proof that I'm not." She replied snarkily. "Remember?" She pointed a finger at her head and tapped it gently. "I sent you a message."

Jack paused then slipped his knife back where it belonged, "Who do you want me to kill and why?"

"I want you to kill Dean Winchester." Fate answered shortly. "And I can't tell you why he should die."

"Why should he die?" Jack asked harshly, ignoring her last comment. He stared at her intensely, pretending as if he could figure out what was going on inside the strange woman's mind. Maybe she should be the one dead. But she's also an angel... She couldn't be one, but there's no proof that she's not.

"I can't tell you." Fate snapped. Then she paused, thinking. She looked up then back at Jack, sure that she could trust him. "It's fate."

Jack only snickered in response. "Fate." he spat. "I don't believe it. I'm not a hitman, why should I kill this 'Dean Winchester' and not you?"

Fate sighed as she rolled her eyes, "I can kill you in a second, leather apron. I'm an angel, so don't try to cross me too much. If you want to die, go ahead and try to be sarcastic to me."

Jack only glared at her after her comment.

Fate stood, staring at the Ripper and waited as a few moments passed. She suddenly smiled as if satisfied and spoke up, "Well, then! Someone's learned something! Okay, this 'Winchester' guy is to be killed. By you. If you don't kill him, you die, okay? Kill or die. Your choice."

"I'm already a killer." Jack stated.

"I know. Which is why I came to you. That ugly Winchester is around here, walking away, free from death, make sure you get him," Fate wavered for a few seconds. Then continued, "and kill him in the worst way you can think of!"

There was a moment of silence until Fate looked at her wrist and said, "I must go. You'll get information after I'm gone. In your head. You'll know all about him and his friends."

And just like that, she was gone with only the sound of fluttering wings. Jack blinked several times looking at where she once was. It seemed like she was never there at all. No footsteps, no sign at all. Then he knew. But he knew who Dean was. Information flooded into his mind as if he was looking through an identity file. Then he smiled. He knew he was going to kill. And once the information was done seeping into his mind, he left. He knew who his next target is.


Hi, guys! I've finally broken free of my writer's block, so please do enjoy this chapter, although most of y'all didn't enjoy my last actual chapter, "Fate." It seems like not a lot of you got the notification that I updated it... I hope this chapter is a major upgrade compared to the last one!

Comment, vote, you know the drill. But only if you want to.

Ta ta, my lads!


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