Chapter 5

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Izuku pov:

I was just trying to find my way home, I've been wandering around for hours before I found myself hiding behind a tree that barely hid me, I was so happy when I saw U.A, but that's when I saw them, the heroes.

Yes, I liked them when I was a child, but not anymore, they were just so mean, the hero at the camp encouraged the kids to pick on me for being quirkless. I didn't really think that was all that heroic and if he did it why won't the others?

I looked at the heroes again, surprisingly they didn't see me, but I frowned when I took a closer look at one of them.

The hero looked like Kacchan and if I think about it, I'm older, so why won't he be?

I instantly got angry and thought about what he did to me. I gripped the machete and started to growl, the other hero had to suffer too if he was friends with that murdere, but I had to be patient I couldn't kill them in broad daylight after all, so I left.

If I wanted to kill Kacchan, no Bakugou, I will have to wait until he is alone, away from people and other heroes who might help him, I had to think about this logically.

It would be stupid to go on a killing spree in the city, I'll get caught or killed. The camp, I could go back, I saw people their, not a lot, but people, if I killed them heroes will be called to the camp, I just had to let one of them survive and the heroes will come running.

I smiled happily at my plan and started to walk back, I'll need to get a car of course, but I already stole, I mean borrowed a truck from the camp, So I could just go and get it, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem to find it and if I didn't I could just borrow someone else's car or maybe ask them to drive me back, yeah like that will happen.

I'll just go up to them all smiled and ask if they would ever be so kind to drive a teenager wearing a hockey mask and wielding a machete they knew nothing about and could possibly be dangerous to a camp miles away from civilization, that will totally happen.

It happened, I was looking for the truck when someone asked if I wanted a ride, I told them where I wanted to go and they agreed to take me.

I didn't like them.

They were drinking and taking all kimds of drugs, I wanted to call my mom to pick me up, but I wasn't at a friend's house and I didn't even have a phone so I will just have to deal with it

"So freak, why are you going to camp blood?" A girl slurred leaning towards me with, what I'm sure was supposed to be a smile while she played with her hair twirling it with her finger

I shrugged not sure what to say, they were probably to drunk to take anything seriously anyways

"Just going to do stuff." I murmured, no one questioned stuff, it was just stuff why would they care?

"Oh, we're going to do stuff as well." The boy next to her said at least a bit more sober than the others, well completely sober, he like me was smart enough not to take part in the shenanigans

"What stuff?" I asked curiously, the camp was mine, I died there so it was mine and I didn't want them doing anything wrong or illegal at my camp

"Some friends of ours are there." Oh so they were just meeting up with friends, that was okay I guess, I'm still going to kill their friends, but at least it wasn't illegal, I'll let the nice boy get away.

"You have any friends there?" The boy asked with a friendly smile, I nodded

"I'm hoping to meet Bakugou their." I said bluntly, he looked shocked

"Bakugou, Like the hero Bakugou?" I nodded

The rest of the way they ignored me to busy with each other to pay attention to me.


It was surprisingly easy to kill them, most of the people were to drunk to really run away or even walk for that matter so it took a matter of minutes to get rid of all of them, the boy who had the decency to remain sober got away like I wanted him to and now I just had to wait.

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