Chapter 7

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Izuku pov:

I remained where I was, waiting for Kacchan to make the first move. I wanted to shove him away from me, but decided to wait.

He slowly started to back away from me. I got up from where he had me pinned before.

"Kacchan." My voice sounded rather strange, broken, I could barely even say the nickname I gave him.

He stared at me in shock not moving, before he licked his lips looking nervous. It was strange. I tilted my head.

"Why were you killing those people?" He asked slowly, like he was speaking to a child, he probably thought I was a child, not that I can contradict him, I wasn't exactly given the chance to grow up

I didn't know how to answer him, I couldn't admit to wanting him dead. I didn't want that anymore. I wanted to see him as a hero, see if he was worthy of the title, but I also wanted to be left alone.

I woke up covered in mud in a body that didn't feel like mine, my mind haven't had time to develop past that of a six year olds, yes I understood I wasn't one anymore and I knew how to act my age to some extent, but I simply didn't have the knowledge to be able to be a member of society

"Alone." I wanted to tell him I wanted to be alone, but I could only say the one word.

Honestly this was to much talking in my opinion, my throat already hurt and I only said two words

"What? Alone? Do you want to be alone?" I was relieved when he understood and only nodded

"You can't live out here alone you id-" He growled stopping him from calling me an idiot. He didn't want to anger me, it's possible he also wanted to treat me like a child and that meant being nice

"Why?" I was now pouting upset I could just be left alone to live here forever, no one to disturb me, to mock me, to hurt me. My hand went to my arm, a kid used his quirk to shoot me a few days ago, the wound hasn't gone away and it still hurt to be honest

Kacchan looked at where my hand was and I saw his eye twitch

"Let's make a deal." I nodded waiting for him to continue, curious.

"You go to the hospital, they test you and I stay with you until you can leave, if you still want to come back I'll bring you back myself." That didn't sound to bad, if I was at the hospital they could patch up my wounds, Kacchan will be there, unless of course he had work to do I'll be able to follow his hero career on TV and I can come back

I nodded, he sighed in relieve and started to walk towards me. He looked hesitant at first, but put a hand on my shoulder, when I didn't do anything he started to guide me to a car

The drive to the hospital was silent, the only sound being the radio, he didn't talk to me and I didn't talk to him

Bakugo pov:

I was taking him to an asylum, yes I did manipulate him, but he was clearly in need of mental help. He was clearly smart, he always was, but he had the reasoning of a child and clearly didn't see the problem with killing, it's possible he didn't even understand what he was doing was wrong

He also had some difficulty speaking so maybe speach therapy could be useful and he'll need someone to teach him, I could probably be a tutor of some sort and I could even babysit him after he left the hospital.

I'll just have to give him access to a TV, let him watch me and possibly old and new videos of All might. It might even help to introduce them. I'll just have to hope that's enough to make him want to stay


This sucks, I'm sorry, but uf you have ideas on how the stroty should continue or even changes tell me

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