Drabble two: Confessing

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A frown was dressed upon the albino's lips, feeling his stomach flip and turn within his body, quenching and churning. The pain was almost unbearable, feeling burning cramps and shocks of pain; spreading through out his body, sending chills down his spine. It wasn't the best feeling in the world, but he's felt much worse. Still, with every sudden burst of pain his face would scrunch up. The feeling was pure torture; agony!

A small sigh left his lips, trying to lead his mind away from the topic of his suffering, the frown dressing his lips only growing in size. The Prussian wasn't really up beat like he normally pretended to be, no, he was worried, fearful.

Only one thought had been running through his head for what seemed like forever, but for some reason his thoughts wouldn't leave his lips. The cursed feeling of love had attacked his heart, making it flutter and ach. Making him smile, yet frown as well. Gilbert never understood how Francis was so obsessed with the feeling of love, because in his point of view, it's the worst feeling ever!

Having to hold himself back from growing jealous of anyone who went near his love, and it was a pain to have to keep his hands to himself; especially hard since they live together. Yup, without an objection, the pale male had fallen for nobody other than his younger brother; what a shame?

But it was only every inch of the big German that reeled him in. From his well sculpted body all the way to his every action. The way his blond locks slick back, just wishing to run his pale thin fingers through them, tug on them while he moans in pleasure; more of a dirty thought indeed. The way his features were defined, such a sturdy and sharp jaw-line, the way his crystal blue hues shine without him knowing; to everyone else the bigger male was always seen scowling, while to the albino it was nothing but pure beauty. No matter what emotion hung upon his features. Going down was his broad shoulders, connecting to his muscular chest. His whole torso was defined well, able to see every muscle, toned and built well. Only able to dream about roaming his hands over his precious body, wanting to savor the taste. His lower half is just- ugh. To beautiful to describe in any words, only able to say It'd make anybody drool. Only once getting the sneak peek the Prussian always dreamed of; only a small glance was more than satisfying. It was simple, Gilbert had a crush he was sure wasn't going away anytime soon.

Unable to take the thought of his little brother out of his mind, the image was lingering within his thoughts. A smirk creeping onto his lips at the thought, light blemishes staining his pale cheeks. Endless night of tossing and turning, dreaming of the impossible; only able to wish they'd all come true. Licking his lips hungrily at the idea. Simple scenario's flooding him mind; licking every inch of his body, getting fucked senseless, and so much more. Oh, how he hated what was his definition of love.

The only problem was he didn't know how to tell or show Ludwig what he desperately wanted. No, needed. Aside from the inappropriate images that filled his mind were doubts. First of all, the Prussian wasn't even sure his brother swung for the same team, let alone would go out of line and break a rule by dating his own flesh and blood. It was pitiful that the albino was sexually in love with his own sibling, but it wasn't entirely his fault the younger male was so stunning!

Of course there was also the thought of the whole world rejecting his idea, the mere thought of loving a member in the blood line was despicable, something almost every human being looked down upon, never noting it wasn't their fault. Nobody chooses who they fall in love with. Gilbert couldn't bring himself to actually say the words, to admit aloud that he, Gilbert Beilschmidt, was attracted to his own sibling; younger sibling.

The mere thought of rejection was enough to send the male into heart break, unable to stop the tears. He'd never been good at dating, so he never really did date. Who who want a albino anyways?

Gilbert let out another sigh, letting his small hand run through his messy white locks, crimson orbs glancing at the ground. It was almost impossible to actually come out and confess, but he was gonna do it anyways. If the world tried to pull them apart, he'd only grasp on tighter; there was no way he'd let the world take anything else from him. But then again if the blond denied his love, there wasn't much left there. He just couldn't let Germany say no!

Gilbert was glad he had a couple hours to himself, able to think over what he'd say, while alone. Spending most of his time pacing back and forth, repeating lines and changing some. It wasn't like he was ready for it anymore than if he didn't prepare.

Luckily there was a world meeting, but on the down side he'd probably be tired when coming home. The Prussian was in the middle of going over what he'd say when the sounds of a car pulling up reached his ears.

The small squeak it made as the vehicle came to a stop, able to hear the engine cut off, the beaming light from the headlights stopped flashing through the window. Heavy foot steps leading up to the door, each step making his heart pump faster. The small organ beating against his chest, his body physically shaking. It felt like eternity till the wooden door started to leave it's frame, a tall silhouette entering the house, the door shutting lightly.

The albino gulped heavily, quickly racing into the kitchen, where the other had went. It wasn't to late, just about time to eat dinner, but not quite. "Hallo, bruder." Greeted the bigger male, his German accent lacing each word as they left his lips, the deep tone he bore sent the Prussian stuttering. Why was it every little detailed set of an alarm in his head; everything was so perfect.

"Guten tag!" Gilbert spattered, trying not to sound stupid; which wasn't really working. The younger German continued with what he was doing, not even bothering to question what was up, removing the tie from around his neck, neatly setting it onto the counter. Oh, how much the Prussian wished he'd continue undressing. Sadly, his wishes didn't come true for all he did was unbutton a few top buttons to make it cooler.

"W-west.. Ugh- I've been m-meaning to tell you something for, ugh, a l-long time, and I, ugh, well..." The albino was stuttering like a mad man, eyes darting around the small space. Trying to look anywhere but the blond German in front of him. "I just w-wanted to say, uhm... Well-" Rudely the pale male was interrupted but a soft chuckle. His cheeks turning a deep red, finally looking up to see his siblings actions.

The taller, younger, man had a small smirk spread across his features, approaching the smaller male. His hand gently cupped the pale males tender cheeks, his baby blue orbs staring into his ruby hues. Another laugh escaped his lips, pulling their faces closer. "You're so cute when you stutter..." The blond's voice was lowered to a whisper, the tone was slow and deep; husky. Causing the blemish dancing on the albino's face to brighten.

After all those dirty thoughts and bold images the Prussian was becoming shy. Feeling his stomach start to churn again, his heart fluttering. "Your actions were all to obvious; I can feel your heart pounding..." The German's voice was low, pressing their bodies together, placing a lone finger under the pale males chin, "So, how about we skip this sentimental bullshit, and get to the part where I fuck you senseless?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2014 ⏰

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