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I have something to say.

I keep listening to the song 

'youth' by Shawn Mendes and 

Khalid. And every time I listen 

to it I cry, because I feel like 

the song goes so well with the cast 

Im actually sobbing. Like, these demigods 

won't take no for an answer and they're

strong ass bitches — IM DONE 

Also I need to see who's actually reading this so if you're reading this, comment 'thank you, next'


"Oh, so I'm an ass?" the curly haired boy asked, a smile forming on his perfect little face. Jackson grinned, brushing his hand on Tristons ass. "A cute ass" Jackson replied.

Triston scrunched his face up in confusion. "a cute ass? How's that possible?"

Jackson shrugged and stepped away from Triston , walked over to the trashcan near them. He removed the bloody tissue from his nose and threw it in the trash can, putting a new one in his nose. Jackson turned to look at Triston, walking towards him. He gently tugged on the youngers curls before letting go. "C'mon. Let's go". Triston whined quietly, nodding.

The two boys both existed the cabin, starting to walk back towards the others. It was about a ten minute walk, and both of them wanted to get there as fast as possible. Triston reached for Jackson's hand, as they walked in silence. It wasn't the uncomfortable silence you got when you told your crush you liked them— it was the happy silence. The peaceful silence. The type most everyone liked. And in fact, Triston was enjoying the silence, until he heard something growl from the bushes.

He stopped dead in his tracks, whipping his head around to look in the direction of the growl. Jackson stopped as well, but with a confused expression. For a split second, Triston saw it. A large dog-like creature with two- no, three heads hide behind the bush. It's six glowing red eyes stared at Triston, into his soul, before it disappeard.

Triston must've squeezing Jackson's hand to hard, because he felt Jackson let go. "Hey, baby, what happened?" He asked, looking around at their surroundings. Triston's breath hitched. He gently shook his head, looking at Jackson. "No..Im fine..I just- it's fine"

Jackson gave Triston a skeptical look, but continued walking with Triston. Triston looked behind him, but quickly turned his attention in front of him, sighing.


TRISTON AND JACKSON ARRIVED AT THE EOS CABIN WHERE ELLE AND THE OTHERS WERE. Jacksons attention was brought towards Caleb, who was sitting outside the cabin, alone. "Hey, Caleb, what happened?" Jackson asked

Caleb looked up from the ground, a goofy smile on his face. "They we're having an adult conversation so they sent me out here with some gummy bears" Caleb replied, holding up a bag of gummy bears. Jackson rolled his eyes, opening the door. "You can come"

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