a/n #2

433 13 4

Hi, everyone! I just wanted to say, first of all, thank you for being so incredibly patient with this fic. I honestly feel like I haven't been working on it as much as I used to. You'd think the opposite, what with summer vacation for me. I've actually been transitioning into high school, along with intensely cleaning out my bedroom! It's a great and terrible process.

In other news, whilst looking through this fic and trying to edit it every now and then, I noticed one thing: the rankings. Thanks to you guys, this fic has reached #1 in neilperry and #3 in deadpoetssociety! Oh, the joy that you can imagine me feeling!

I'm incredibly happy and proud to know that people take the time to read and appreciate my work. Thank you so much for doing so! As always, the next chapter'll be up in what I hope to be the next few days.

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