Prologue Harry

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His Pov ok, it will go with the usual betrayal using for money using as a weapon maybe parents aren't really his, I don't know yet but know he is being used but is it for good or selfish well you'll have to wait and see

I still can't forget about what I heard in Hogsmeade at the pub what the minister and Dumbledore said. about how I was meant to go to my godfather but he killed my parents I doubt that, I know there were likely people to take me in, they put me there with my so-called aunt. all for blood wards I doubt it and having Mrs Figg watch me, she knew I hated it there but did she ever tell him if she did, did he turn a blind eye to it because the so-called wards would keep me safe? yeah safe from a crazy man but not my abusive family.

I sigh and lie in bed in my dorm room, I've cast a silencing charm around my bed maybe I should of taken Malfoy's offer he might of meant Dumbledore, not Ron. I hear someone get up I look it's Ron what the, I wait for him to leave and put my invisibility cloak on and follow him, I see Hermione leave to what the hell is going on! I follow them they soon come to Dumbledores office what the hell is going on.

I sneak in with them and hide and listen in to their conversation. "How is Harry?" Dumbledore asks Ron, he says "same as usual, just quieter it's coming up to summer when he'll be going home," Hermione said, "are you sure sir, about us not writing hell be suspicious?" Dumbledore nods and said, "yes I'm sure, it's for the greater good" he offers them some sweets or something. Ron said, "Is this all you wanted sir?" Dumbledore nodded and says "yes it, is now miss Granger keep helping him with his school work and Mr Weasley keep harry on the right path" what does he mean by right path? they both nod and leave.

I move so that they can leave once they do I see Dumbledore go to Fawkes, he says "everything is going as planned Fawkes, young harry will make a wonderful weapon to fight against tom" there using me! I am just a weapon? is that all I am their weapon? what about when this is all over? I look at Dumbledore, all I am is a weapon and being used I'm leaving. maybe I should of listened to the hat I'm going to the bank, I quickly leave the room summer cannot come quick enough.

Soon it's here, I haven't let anyone know the truth that I know just what has happened that I know, no if they did, they might do something before I can do anything. the train pulls into the station and I say bye to Hermione and Ron and get my things and leave for Diagon alley, once there I head to the bank. I go in its so different at the moment alot quieter I find a goblin to talk to they look and say "yes?" I say "is there someone I can speak to please, it's private" they seem annoyed. they show me to the back and knock on a door, an enter comes from the room and we go in they soon leave.

The goblin behind the desk says "Mr Potter what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" I say "well I've learned that I should have been with my godfather and that he was innocent but I'm not sure where to start" they nod and say "we will do an inheritance test, it will let us know of any vaults you own or will own when you are of age, who is your magical guardian?" a what? I say "I'm sorry but magical guardian, what's that? my guardian is my so-called aunt" they seem shocked and say "a magical guardian is a guardian for anything magic related, so if like yourself you are placed with a muggle relative the magical guardian takes care of your vaults and educates you on magical things"

I shake my head and say "I don't know what one was, or who mine is I didn't even know about the magic world until I was 11 and got my Hogwarts letter, I'm still learning about this world" their face showed alot of emotions. they said "I see, we will do some different tests as well as your inheritance test, so prick your finger and let a few drops go onto the papers these are special ones that will give us the information we need"

I nod and prick my finger and let the blood drops on the paper and soon the information comes up. I don't read it I'll do that later the goblin reads them and again their face shows alot of emotions, anger, disgust, shock just to name a few. I let them calm down they say "I will ask the Potter family goblin about your family vaults" I nod they leave. I'm left alone and sigh I say to myself "I wonder who my magical guardian is? and why Sirius wasn't given a trial, ill sort that out but I think for the summer I need to leave and clear my head, I don't know if Ron and Hermione are willingly in on these things or have been forced, same with everyone I've met"

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