Prologue Naruto

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His Pov it's the usual team 7 hate him a few of the rookie 9 will be true to him, same as teachers and other characters also will be a slight au as in some events didn't happen, like Sasuke leaving the village to go with Orochimaru also Naruto is smarter than people think in this

Why won't Kakashi train me? I ask and he says Sasuke it's always Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke! I hate him for that he's so arrogant and full of himself, and Sakura she's smart and good with Chakara control but that's it. she calls me weak ha the pot calling the kettle black, I'm slowly starting to not see why I ever had a crush on her ugh! and she regularly hits me but no one says anything. likely think I deserve it, all because I have a stupid tailed beast inside me, I'm not that how the hell could I destroy the village when it happened the day, I was born ugh.

I head to granny Tsunade, I wanna leave I wanna train more because my so-called teacher doesn't want to. if it weren't for gramps and some of the other teachers, I wouldn't be able to do some of the Jutsu, I know I know gramps didn't do too well letting me live alone and not controlling the villagers, but he did what he could. still, I kind of hate him for that gets Konohamru a private tutor and lets me get kicked out when I'm 3, double standards, I can't forgive that, but the helping me train by making me wear bright orange and outrun Anbu and letting me prank did help.

I get to the Hogakes office and knock and hear her say I can go in, she says "Naruto why are you here?" she seems confused since I haven't been summoned and it's not a mission or anything. I say "I've had enough of this village, my team they treat me like crap sure I have the nine tales in me but what it did and who I am or separate, they're blinded by rage and because of that they basically abused a minor and their kids became bullies, with the exception of a few if it weren't for Iruka and some of the others I wouldn't be a ninja, Kakashi is all for Sasuke not training me because there similar, well in case the pervert forgot I have no family to they were killed the day I was born!" she says "ok Naruto, sit down and explain to me everything"

I nod sitting and say "can it be private? just us to no one listening in please" she nods and makes it private and says "ok, now start explaining" I nod and explain everything, about the abuse from everyone but a few. how I was kicked out at 3 from an orphanage to live by myself, when I'm done, I can see pure shock anger disgust and a lot of other emotions she has and says "I wouldn't have known if you hadn't said, also your smarter than you look, kid"

I smile and say "what can I say I'm a great actor! I'm not Shikamaru smart, but I'm smart enough to learn things and know the more I act dumb, the more they'll leave me alone and those pranks I did weren't for attention, but to see how far I could push people and test my skills" I grin. she nods I say "it also doubled as training" she chokes on her drink in shock. I can't blame her I nod and say "yeah, gramps suggested it wear bright orange prank and hide from Anbu, it helps with stealth and speed since you've got to outrun and hide high level even Anbu ninja, I think it was kind of a way to make up for what the village did, and things he couldn't control" she laughs, but I can see she's a little shocked as well and says "that is genius Naruto! I knew my teacher was smart, and you Naruto will do great things but please come back, and I'm sorry for what happened and how you were treated"

I nod it's not her fault, she should not say sorry and if I did get recognised by the village, I don't think I can forget what they did to me. I say "I will granny, not for the village but for you and my true friends, my family but it's to visit, I'm not moving back I just want to go somewhere and not be seen as a devil child, and responsible for something I didn't do I was just born just seen as Naruto" she nods and says "that's fair Naruto, and if I'd known sooner id have taken you with me, been family since my grandmother is an Uzumaki" what no way! I didn't know she says "yeah, my grandmother was the jinjuriki before your mother" what the hell! I say "were they ever treated like me?" she says "not that I know of, but I think it's because what happened the day you were born" I nod I know that but still it hurts.

Soon I cry, why am I crying? I can't help it I try to stop but the tears won't stop. she hugs me and says "let it all out ok" when she says that I just sob, I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. I just hug her crying after a few minutes I part once I've calmed down, I wipe my eyes and say "is there anything I need to know or do to legally be allowed to leave? I don't want to be a rogue Nin, it would cause alot of problems" she says "I'll sort it out don't worry, now there's something you should have which belong to you, as you're the last members of these families your fathers and your mothers" she gets up I follow her where are we going?

We get to a room she closes the door and said "this is where certain Jutsus are kept, that are safely stored here for when someone like yourself is the last of the clan until there of age, these are it and this scroll tells you how to get the other family Jutsus" she gives me scrolls that have my parents Jutsus. I'll make sure to learn everything in these scrolls and any others they left. me granny Tsunade says "that's all there is here, go pack whatever you want to take and then come find me" I nod and say "yeah I will" I go back home and pack. I think a new outfit will be the first thing I get; orange is a mix of my parents but I don't need to be in head to toe in the colour.

Once I have everything, I write some letters for those who have treated me right like the Raman guy, Iruka, granny Tsunade and anyone else who has treated me as me. when I finish, I leave going to granny Tsunade, she said: "so have you got everything?" I say "yeah everything I want," she said "now before you go how about we get a Raman? my treat" I smile and say "yeah id like that alot" we head to Ichiraku, it's just us I order my favourite one. she said, "so where will you go?" I say "I haven't worked that out yet, but I want to go somewhere no one knows me and start again from the ground up, I want to learn all my parents Jutsus and things"

She nodded and said "that's good, you're smart in your own way, not like the Naras, but in a Naruto way" I smile and laugh. we just talk and she tells me what she knows about my parents. I say "so why didn't anyone tell me the 4th was my old man?" she said "well, he had a flee on sight ranking in the bingo book, so my guess is because of the amount of enemies he had it was safer to not say, but you deserve to know before you leave also I got you these" she hands me a scroll and says "it's a sealing scroll, it's got every information and things I could find on your parents, from photos to other family Jutsu know, your parent's old place is waiting for you when you visit, oh I also got all the academy books and things in there for you to read and do when you're ready"

I nod and say "thank you, it means alot" she ruffles my head and smiles and says "least I can do, I won't say I wanna see how long it takes people to notice, you know Kakashi was your dad's student" really! I say "I had no idea" she nods and says "I bet Minato is turning in his grave, and everyone better be thankful Kushina is not around god help us if she was" I laugh and say "was she that scary?" she looks and says "oh you have no idea, her anger was feared" cool! when I finish, I say "one thing I'll miss besides you granny, Ichiraku," she said "well come back soon and when you do my treat again" I nod and soon leave in the dead of night. better that way no one will see me, I get to the forest and open the scroll I found on travel Jutsu.

I sit and read it a few times practising the hand signals slowly, and when I have the hang of it I say "alright this one will take me away, and to a place, I can get stronger" I look back seeing the village in the distance and say "just you wait Konoha you'll regret how I was treated, and the old man I'll be stronger than you, I don't think I'll be a Hokage here that is" I smile and do the Jutsu and I feel a strange pull. I'll learn more about my parents, I'll show them I'll make them proud as well as gramps, granny Tsunade and all those that believed in me and supported me and make everyone else regret what they've done and beg for my forgiveness.

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