chapter 6

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I WOKE up, my mind racing once more. I remember seeing Mark's smile, but it felt more disturbing than I remember. Why did I see his smile? I sat up, helping Celine help the young detective up. We must've fainted when she was talking.

I kept hearing a whisper behind me, but every time I looked around, no one was there. Damien walked in and rushed over to me, placing his hands on either side of my face, checking for injuries. I smiled at him and shook my head lightly.

"I'm okay Damien. No bumps or bruises, I promise." I spoke, my voice sounding a little more deeper.

"Right, okay. Sorry Oreo." Damien muttered under his breath, but I still heard it.

Damien turned around to speak to Abe, Celine, and Abe's partner. I kept feeling a tug at the back of my mind, accompanied by a familiar whisper. I turned around and once more, nobody was there. I muttered a curse and looked behind me, noticing that Celine and Damien were the only two in the room besides me.

"Celine, what is going on?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

"A lot of things. Things that not even I can fully comprehend at the moment." She answered before signing deeply.

"Adrianna! Look ou-!" Damien shouted before the whole room lit up with a bright light.

I felt my body fall onto the floor, a loud ringing in my ears. The entire room was spinning as I looked around, seeing Damien on the floor. I can't tell if I was screaming or not before the whole world went black and I was left in a void, a familiar void.

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