stars unfading forever

27 9 7

Bars of every color on their flag always,

Forty-nine stars dimmed in the night.

Blood on the floor in hospital hallways,

The carnage unveiled by dawns early light.

Gunsmoke and sirens ripped through the air,

A macabre tragedy for all who were there.

Savagery and hate declared war on the gays,

The brutality revealed in calculating ways.

Sisters and queens waiting for help to arrive,

They raised their hands if they were alive.

From the club some came broken but breathing,

There faces in shock, their hearts were all grieving.

With faith in each other they carried on,

Though memories of terror will never be gone.

Bruises on their bodies and scars inside,

They never abandoned their gay pride.

The walking wounded are an inspiration to all,

It will take more than bullets to make them fall!

Forged by fire their brotherhood would grow,

Around the world their message would go.

Dance again they will to honor their fallen,

Proving hate is wrong, is now their calling.

The dastardly shooter was not so clever,

Or he would have known love is forever.

stars unfading foreverWhere stories live. Discover now