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Name: Charles Nickolas Antony Cavette (prefers Nickolas since his father goes by Charles)

Nickname: Nick

Age: 21

Country: Great Britain

Face claim: Jeff ward

Personality: Nick is a kind man who knows when to have fun and when to be serious. He enjoys joking around and having. When tempers rise he tries very hard keeps his cool, so if he shows he is mad, he is //extremely// mad. He is a man who thinks through different options before making a decision on pretty much anything. 

Backstory: Nick grew up the oldest of several sisters a new one being added to the family ever few years as he grew older. Some of the girls were Tom boys so they enjoyed playing with each other but as the prince grew older he had to focus more on how to some day be King. When he was 12 years old he and a few of his sister's were out in a creek near the edge of the woods. There were a few guards around of course which the children didn't mind and they all had fun. But, Nick wanted to make the biggest splash so climbed up a dead tree leaning against others and was going to jump into the water but slipped and fell, his left thigh getting gashed by a branch. Luckily one of the guards caught him and he was alright but as he grew older he doesn't like heights….

He envied his sister's for not having to worry about being the next ruler and a few times he snuck out to go have some fun but most of the time he did his studies add learned what he needed to learn. 

Family: Farther King Charles,

Mother Queen Vivian, younger sister- age 19 - age 17 age 15 - age 12 - age 10

Other: has a scar on his left thigh from a childhood accident and is afraid of heights. 

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