Chapter 11

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Angelinas POV

A few hours later, i heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I yelled

A blonde haired boy walked in and said my name in an irish accent. It was Niall.

"Niall!" i yelled.

He ran over to the side of my hospital bed and hugged me. He started crying and ii just started crying to. We sat there like this for a few minutes, just holding eachother and crying. Niall spoke first. He let go of me and sat up.

"Angelina, when you got hit i thought you were dead. Liam called me crying and i couldn't make out what he was saying but i knew something was wrong and i heard him say emergency so I went to the hospital. When I got there, I saw you and i cried. I didn't stop crying untill later that night and i sat down and talked to Liam. He said that you had got hit by a truck but that he was going to stay with you and i should go home and get some rest. I didn't sleep at all that night. I thought about what had happened and while I was thinking about it, i was thinking about something else.It finally hit me that I loved you. I know I shouldnt, but I just couldn't help it.

Liam came home this afternoon and told me about what he told you today. I don't want to make this situation any more confusing for you, so I'm not going to make you pick. I just want you to know that I am always here for you and even tho it is going to hut to see LIam with the most beautiful girl in the world, i will know it is for the best"

I looked up at him and started crying again. I grabbed him and hugged him.

"Niall you are my best friend, but I love Liam. I want you to still be my best friend, but I don't like you like that. I'm sorry." I told him.

"Thats okay Angelina. I just wanted to tell you that, you don't have to like me back i already knew you loved Liam. But i am here for you no matter what, just remember that okay?"

"Okay Niall. You are an amazing friend, and I think I have a friend who is just perfect for you." I said to him and smiled. We both laughed and i went back to sleep.


So I tried not to make it a cliff hanger i'm sorry if it is but I tried not to make it as big as the other ones. Some people have told me they don't really like this so i don't know if I am going to continue but here is the next chapter

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