18: Nerve

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Jaffar was gentleman enough to drop me at my house,he stopped the car at the gate while I get down and waved him goodbye,I knocked at the door and the gate man opened it for me with a short exchange of greetings

I went inside the house and thank God no one was at the sitting room,I went to my room and dropped my school bag

"Well well well well well"Samimah said clapping her hands and I rolled my eyes

"What's the meaning of this one"I said removing my uniform

"You are so lucky mom went to the hospital for check up and dad went with her,if not you would have been here explaining where you have been sneaking from the school to"she spatted and I was slightly Annoyed

"I wasn't sneaking out,I was just setting some things right"I said loudly than I expected all thanks to my sudden bubbles of anger growing inside me

"Setting what right Jamilah,you must be going out with a guy and maybe....who knows"she said raising her hands up and then the anger burst in

"You are of no innocent Samimah"I snapped

"What?"her eyes hold an horror look and I went to the wardrobe to change my uniform

"Just repeat what you said just now"Samimah said with so much anger

"As you heard before you are of no innocent,do you think I don't know you have been sneaking around with Charles,that dick of a guy"I said wearing a blue looses top

"Say that again and I will slap you"she was glaring at me and I was shocked

"You don't mean it"I placed my hands on my hips

"I mean every bit of it,no one should ever try to say rude remark about him even if you are a family because it's unforgivable"she said

"Woah woah woah,so you become obsessive about a random guy who just see you for your body"I was disappointed

"Watch your mouth Jamilah,I am your elder and don't try to forget you live in my house"she snapped

"Oh my God,that hurts and you should know I'm not a bigger I have my family too,it was your father that forcefully dragged me here for God knows what fucking reason"I yelled while tears falls on their own,I scooted out of the room to cry my eyes out


It was 7:17pm when I felt a little bit okay after the little fight I had with Samimah,I went to kitchen and took my food,I walked to the sitting room switching on the television while I munch on the food and the door suddenly opened,Mom and Dad were back and I stood up and helped them with the bag Dad hang on his shoulder,I followed them to the room

"Where is Samimah?"Mom asked faintly

"In her room"I still despise her over what she said earlier

"Let her know we are back"my dad said and I nodded going to the room,I opened the door slightly

"They are back"I close the door shut not waiting for her reply

I went back to their room and shortly after Samimah joined me

"How are you feeling now mom"she asked kneeling beside the bed to touch her hand

"I'm fine"she replied faintly while I stood awkward

"Have you eaten?"her mom asked her and she nodded no

"Let me prepare something for us,what do you want to eat mom?"I offered But she didn't reply acting like she didn't hear me

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