..and that's how I got here.. (Hassan)

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-So it was a Thursday afternoon,after we-
-We? Who?-Dr Behringer asks.
-Me,my mother and my sister-Hassan replies bored.-after we ate dinner,my sister Aisha was supossed to meet her friend Nada.You know,girl stuff.She met her friend nearby my workplace-
-Where do you work?-Dr Behringer kept asking.
-I'm a car mechanic.-Hassan continued-and then that bad guy came up to my sister and wanted to hurt her!What I was supossed to do-
-You could just stop him and call the police,NOT pour acid on his arms and neck and later beat him up to death!-Dr Behringer tried to stay calm-I heard you're from Sharm-El-Sheikh...and it's written you have PTSD,is this true?
-Well yes..
-Were there any attacks there or something? It's important,we need to know the reason why you're scared of fire and anything that sounds like bombs or shooting.
-When I was a kid,there was an terroristic attack near my house,they killed my father.They burned him and bombed our house.-Hassan says all that in a very sad way-back to the first thing,later the cops came there and arrested me,at the PD they looked into my papers and said they're gonna put me into a psychiatric hospital,and that's how i got here.
Dr Behringer noted all that and without looking at Hassan he said:
-Thank you Mr Hassan El Mahdy.All that info was very important to us.Nurse Finley Davis will take you to your room.Now...who's next?-he looks at his papers-Mr...Diego De La Cruz...

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